At first I didn't know what was wrong with Bella as she seemed perfectly normal - the one thing I did notice was her skin. At first I thought that her Dad must have had dark skin, and asked her Mum about it. She laughed and told me that everyone thinks that, but she said it was her liver making her skin go a funny colour. Bella needs a liver transplant. On a 'good' day Bella looks like she has a lovely tan, on a bad day she is very, very yellow and so are her eyes. Other than that she is a perfectly normal, happy little girl.
Since meeting them at the hospital we have ran into each other around town and also at the hospital when we are picking up meds. Supposedly Lisa always asks the women at the pharmacy how Noah is going.
On Wednesday Aaron came home from school saying that a teacher from Queechy came to him asking if the school would support Bella and her family with some fundraising. They are trying to raise money so that Bella can have her liver transplant and both of her parents had been prefects at Kings Meadows High school. Aaron is going to talk to the prefects about it today (he is the prefect co-ordinator) but he is sure they will be happy to raise money for her.
The woman also gave Aaron a flyer for a 'Gala Auction and Cocktail Party' which is going to be held soon. It sounds very similar to the Make a Wish Ball that Aaron and I spoke at this year. I am not even aware of how much money it costs to have a transplant done, but hopefully they will be able to raise enough money for it to happen very soon. Every time I see Lisa she tells me that the Drs say she is a priority on the transplant list. Then Bella picks up a little and they put her down the list a little bit. It sounds like it has become more urgent recently. I have seen their family in the local paper talking about organ donation.
Lisa and Bella have to fly to Melbourne to see Drs at the Royal Children's Hospital every two weeks. The hardest thing for them is that Lisa is not even eligible for Carer Payment. She had asked me if I got it for Noah and was telling me that Bella didn't meet enough of the criteria! It is crazy as there is no way that Lisa could work and Bella needs constant medical care.
Hopefully little Bella will be able to get her transplant very soon. The hardest thing is that even once Bella has the transplant there is always the risk of rejection. Hopefully it will all go well and she will be a totally different girl who will need no more trips to hospital and Drs.
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