Friday 27 January 2012

And then there were four

We are home from our holiday down at St Helens early unfortunately because my heart is breaking as Aaron passed away after 9 pm last night. I'm numb and feel physically sick and can't believe it.   It looks like he suffered a heart attack.  I know his heart was so sad after losing Noah and I'm sure that had something to do with it, but I also know that in many ways he was prepared to go now and has hard as it is to believe, it was his time to go.

My family was with me and thank goodness they were because I needed them last night, more than I've needed anything before.  They gave me so much strength and without them there I know it would've been so much worse.

This is one of the last photos that I took of him, which was taken the day before he passed away. 

 I know that they say that you aren't given anymore than you can handle, but right now I think I'm at my limit.   After losing Noah less than four months ago and now losing my best friend, eternal companion and love of my life I'm so grateful for my three boys who I love so much, who give me strength to keep going and look ahead to the day when we will be together with Noah and Aaron again. All I can think of is them hugging and talking and running and even side stepping together.  Oh how wonderful their reunion must've been.

I love you Aaron and I wish you were here just for one more day, to let you know just how much.


  1. I don't know much for sure but I do know he knew how much you love him Lisa - it was so obvious to all of us. My heart is also breaking.

  2. My heart is breaking for you! You are all in my prayers.

  3. I am so very sorry for your loss. I don't know what else to say. Wishing you strength and peace. I'm here from Naomi (seven cherubs) blog.

  4. oh I love you so much beautiful beautiful girl.

  5. Aaron is truly a KING amongst men.
    I will miss his jokes, and especially the way he loved family.
    Our family teas are going to be very quiet now, without his wisecracks.
    I know he loved you and the boys beyond description.
    I will miss his enthusiasm for everything he loved, especially the mighty HAWKS!!!!!
    I am here for you and the boys Honey, just here beside you, just reach out.
    Love Mum.

  6. xxxx
    I don't have any words, just love for you now and always.

  7. My heart is breaking reading this news but at the end im smiling because i know your husband and son are now reunited.
    Much love to you and your boys

  8. I'm not even going to try to pretend to know what to say, or assume how you feel, or any of it. But I know one thing for sure is that he knew every single day how lucky he was, and was humble enough to acknowledge how incredibly loved and treasured he is as a man, husband, father, teacher, friend. To have seen him in his glory in all of those roles is an honour.

    I love you, and the boys, so so much, and I will be there any time you need for anything. I will abide with you in your sorrow, and do everything I can to honour his memory.

    Their are no words in imagining their reunion. Wow. xo

  9. I think I was going to say "Their reunion must have been.....". He would be laughing at me for making such a nasty grammatical mistake right now. "You call yourself a grammar nazi! That's just embarrassing"

  10. Love and hope he's happy in heaven from Morgaine aged 8


  11. It's always been 'Lisa n Aaron' both tied together, I love you guys for that. You made me want that marriage, that fun one. Just let us carry you Lisa. One day at a time.

  12. There are no words, sending you all much love

  13. seeing this photo of this beautiful lil boy with his daddy and now knowing he wont have him in his life bought tears to my eyes.. What a photo for him to treasure for ever.. U are so ver strong to go threw this.. love too u all xx

  14. I miss him so much already.
    I just cannot comrehend it at all.
    I keep thinking it is just a bad dream.
    I am so shattered.
    I am here darling for you and the boys always and forever.
    Love Mum.

  15. There are now words.... just know that there are love and prayers for you and the boys, now and always.
    You always have been and always will be a truly special and amazing family.

  16. Aaron was such a wonderful example of a devoted husband and father. Everyone that knew him loved him, he had a way of making everyone feel included and loved. Thank goodness for family & friends who love us & are there when we need them. We love you & our prayers are for you and Jalen, Harri & Kobe at this most difficult time in your lives xxx

  17. I don't know you at all but my heart is breaking, aching, not understanding, for you. Words aren't enough but know that there are many many people who are praying for you.

  18. LIsa, my heart has been heavy for you and your boys and also your families all day. You have been in my thoughts and prayers and will be for some time.
    There are many people thinking of you right now. Sending love to you and your family.

  19. My thoughts are with you and your family. xxx

  20. What a beautiful photo. I don't know how this could happen. How can one family cope with such loss all at once?

    I don't know how you will, but I know that you will. With the love and support of family and a community. One teeny moment at a time.

  21. Lisa we were phoned this morning by roz with your heart breaking news here in QLD. We all were so Sad and our hearts and prayers went out to you and the boys. You are a great inspiration to me as I have watched your family grow at Punchbowl primary and your dedication as such a wonderful mum and wife. I often read your blogs and they are full of wonderful stories and now memories for you all. Aaron was a lovely man always with a wonderful smile on his face. I can not imagine the pain your heart must be in but he has Noah to hold his hand and watch over you and the boys now. Keana has been very worried about Harri and asks you pass on her love and prayers to him. All our luv To you, jalen,Harri and Kobe from Ellie,Simon,Connor,Pako,Keana,Chad and Mia xx

  22. so many people are offering love support and prayers...right now you may not be able to feel it or reach out for it ...but i know we will all be there for you and the boys when you do....there are NO words that can heal this loss...Aaron will live on in his boys..the perfect example of a father...and he chose the best wife and mother for his sons...
    hugs and prayers for you especially Lisa....XXXX

  23. Lisa,
    God bless you.
    You are an inspiration to the world.
    My heart comes soaring to you on the other side of the world--May you find the strength to grieve, mourn and miss Aaron, while you lift and inspire your boys and everyone around you.
    SO sorry.

  24. Lisa I cannot express how much I feel for you and your boys right now. All I've been thinking about is Aaron's reunion with his handsome beautiful son Noah! My heart breaks for you, how blessed we are to KNOW families are together forever.

    My prayers are with you. xxx

  25. My heart and prayers go to you and your beautiful boys Lisa. I pray that you have the strength to keep on going one day at a minute at a time. I can't imagine your grief, but know our prayers are for you.


  26. I haven't met you and your family but I feel as though I have from reading your blog. I cannot comprehend how difficult this must be for you all, and as many others have said, there are no words that can really help. All I can do is send my love to you and the boys, and smile picturing how tightly Noah and Aaron have their arms wrapped around each other now.

  27. Hello Lisa,
    I just learned about you yesterday from a FB friend. I was reading about you knowing what had happened to Aaron. I was crying the whole time, but was at the same time so in awe by the spirit that comes forth through the pages of this blog. It is a spirit of love, perseverance, hope against all odds, wisdom, joy and strength. I am so inspired by you and your journey... right now I am brokenhearted for you and the tears are flowing... I pray that you find strength day by day and that the love will be greater than the loss. With love,

  28. I came to your blog from seven cherubs blog..I really hope you don't mind me commenting. I just felt compelled to tell you how sorry I am. You are living a nightmare at the moment and it is so unfair...but you have 3 gorgeous boys who are also living that nightmare and how lucky they are to have you. You can all be strong for each other. Huge hugs here from the UK. xx

  29. sending you love and prayers at this time. I can't begin to imagine the depth of your loss, it's just so tragic and sudden and seems so unfair after everything you've been through.
    I will keep you and your family in my prayers and pray for strength and comfort in the days ahead.

  30. I have no words to adequately convey my sympathy to you, your boys and yours and Aaron's families. He was a very beautiful man who's understanding and compassion touched so many lives. Please know, that even though we have never met you are in my thoughts and i will be forever grateful that my daughter had such an amazing teacher. Reunited with Noah xoxox

  31. Hi Lisa,
    We don't know each other, but I have come to love your family through your lovely blog and by hearing so much about you all. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I can't even imagine how you are feeling, but just know that you are surrounded by the most amazing people, especially your boys, who will be there for you, comfort you, and love you. Aaron is so lucky to have you as a wife. I know that both he and Noah are smiling down and watching over you. I'll be thinking about you and our family <3

  32. I have no words to make you feel any better. But please know, my heart breaks for you, I am crying for you family. However, at the same time, I am picturing a daddy reuniting with his son, and that is all I can hold on to, to make any sense of this. Much love to you all xx

  33. i am so so sorry, from a stranger reading your blog for the first time tonight, it's very obvious how much you loved each other and your family. he will always be in your heart, will forever live on in your memories and will be by your side in spirit when you need him to be holding your hand silently.

    tonight i will hug my husband tighter and be grateful for him because tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone.

    sending much love & light.

    you are not alone.


  34. I love you Lisa King! I'm just so, so sorry.....

  35. Lisa, I don't know you, I found your wonderful blog by chance. My heart broke when precious Noah died, and now it breaks all over again. Only judging by what I read, you are a beautiful family and don't deserve this.
    God will give u strength in your darkest times.

  36. Mr king.
    Was a great teacher. He always had a smile apon his face and could bring a smile to anyone's face. He taught us more than What we needed to learn and always had time to talk if something was wrong. It's going to be hard back a school knowing that he will not be their for my last year and not to have him around making jokes and being their to cheer on the hawks, brag about Tamar winning, keeping is prefects on task and calling me a squirrell. I can say I will miss him heaps and will have a great memory of knowing him.
    Sincerely Jess.


  37. Words cannot express the love I have for you and Aaron and Jalen and Noah and Harri and Kobe. XX xxxx

  38. I don't know you or your family personally but I am sitting here in tears reading your blog. I am just so sorry and sad for you and your boys on the sudden passing of Aaron last night. You are in my thoughts today and in the coming days and months. Take care. xxx

  39. Maybe Noah needed him in heaven? You dont know me but I am crying on my couch for you. Much love. X

  40. Lisa, I cannot even properly express how much I feel for you and your family at the moment. You are an amazingly strong woman and you are trusted enough to bare these trials. How joyous the reunion would have been between Aaron and Noah. I am thinking and praying for you and your boys. May Heavenly Father help you through this hardest trial of all. Your love is for Eternity. Always remember that.

  41. Today at 1.00pm a group of current a ex students went to kmhs where mr king taught. We had flowers and balloons, and had our own minute of silence for mr king. We left the flowers under the tree in the car park. This was organized over Facebook by one person. Which had many people affected who decided to join. Rest in peace mr king.

  42. Lisa I am so so very sorry for your loss. You have inspired me for a long time and I am amazed by your strength. Just like the poem 'Footprints in the Sand', you will be carried in your darkest hour! Sending so much love and prayers to you and your beautiful boys! Love Felicity xo

  43. I don't know you and have only just found your blog (through Naomi) but I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face. You've been given such an incredibly heavy cross to bear, yet your words are those of faith and love and that is truly inspiring. May God guide you and give you strength and may the people around you shower you and your boys with much love. Thinking of you and praying for you xxx

  44. Lisa our hearts are breaking for you. We will hold our loved ones all the tighter tonight. He was such a wonderful bloke and it was a privilege to have known him.
    Love Dearne, Matt and family xoxo

  45. I dont know you but my heart breaks for you. I admire your strength and courage. You are in my thoughts much love to you and your boys

  46. I am finding it so very hard to comprehend, my loving thoughts are with you and your family always xx

  47. I am Becky (and Jenny's) sister...I have been at her home when she's been buoyed by your packages and posts. Your love sustained her in her times of trial...may our love offer hope and peace to you as well.

  48. Like so many others have said...there are no word to express our sorrow...just Love we can send your way. We love and pray for you, Marnie

  49. Ive only been following this blog for a few months now but the love I feel from your family is so strong! Loosing a child is hard enough now to loose your husband I cant wrap my mind around it. Im sure im saying all the wrong things but please know im praying for your from clear around the world and praying for your precious family!

  50. My gosh! This is just heart-breaking and surreal. I don't know your family personally, Lisa, but you must be one amazing lady if Heavenly Father knows you can cope with this. Looks like you will have a lot of friends to help you through. Take care. xx

  51. Lisa- I had the opportunity to read your blog for the first time today. I am devastated for your family. Please know that you are in my prayers. You and your boys will be in my thoughts and prayers. It is beautiful to see the love your husband had for you and your children. So many kids don't have that kind of Dad.

    In my prayers-

  52. My heart is breaking for you and your family right now, just like it did when Noah passed away. I too have shed many tears and wanted you to know that I am praying for you all to be comforted through the atonement of our Savior. May you feel Him close by during this hard trial.

  53. I am praying for angels to buoy you up and carry you through this. You have a very special family. What a loving mother and wife you are! You are a shining light to all and will continue to be. May God be with you until you are reunited with ALL of your loved ones.

  54. So, so sorry. (hugs)

  55. I know these words can't take away your pain but know that I am praying for you.

  56. Just wanted to send you and your precious babies and family love and light. Incredibly touched and saddened to read of the passing of two of your greatest loves.

    (came over from Naomi's blog - seven cherubs - as I couldn't hear of your story and not reach out)

  57. I'm so, so very sorry, I can't even begin to imagine what you and your boys are going through. I'm another who found your blog via Naomi (and via Retro Mummy) - your family is in my thoughts, Jade xxx

  58. Nooooo. No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening to you. Aaron? No - you have to come back :(
    I am in shock. I feel sick too. You poor sweet darling. Oh poor Harri.....Jalen.....Kobe. It's not fair.
    Cling to your mum Lisa. You will need her more than ever. She will guide you through the darkest, blackest nights so that you can guide your boys after you.
    Need anything? I'm here. Need to get away from home? Stay with me. Want to ring up and talk? Call me. I will be here. I love you. Fiona. xxxxxxxx

  59. I am so sorry for your losses. Praying for you and your family.

  60. I'm a stranger, but I've been reading your blog for a long time now. I am sitting at my computer in disbelief.

    I really have no words except I am so, so sorry for your loss. Obviously, I never met Aaron, as I live on the other side of the world, but I know from what you wrote about him that he was a wonderful man.

    Be gentle with yourselves.

    "We shall find peace. We shall hear angels. We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds." - Anton Chekhov

  61. Lisa, I am stunned and shocked and my heart aches for you and the boys. It just isn't fair for you to be going through this again. My deepest wishes and respect go out to you.xx

  62. I have no words but wanted to leave a comment and some support for you. Can't even begin to imagine what you are going through.

  63. You never know how strong you are, until it is the only choice you have....stay strong Lisa - but don't forget to be kind and gentle to yourself also.

  64. Saying a prayer for you and the boys right now.

  65. A friend sent me your blog asking me to pray for you. Absolutely heartbroken for you...praying so hard for you and your boys.

  66. oh, lisa. i've been silently reading along the last few months. i can't imagine going through two such huge deaths in such a short time. i'm praying for you and your boys. my heart is just aching for all of you.

  67. Praying for you and your family x Kelly

  68. Oh Lisa my heart broke reading this. Much love and strength to you and your boys today and every day. xxx

  69. Lisa, Jalen, Harri and Kobe. You have been in our prayers for some time, and will remaim there for a long time to come. Love and hugs to you and your boys. Love Andrew and Donna xx

  70. So sorry for the death of your Aaron and Noah so close together, what a lovely photo of your hubby with you little one. Keep thinking of Aaron and Noah together lucky they are, although you and your boys here hearts are broken. Much love and big virtual hugs...visiting from Seven Cherubs xx

  71. Dear Lisa. I am Becky's and Jenny's aunt. I had read Noah's blog after he had passed, as Becky had written about him in her blog. I know how wonderful you all were to her and her family sending wonderful gifts to them and to Ben. I had sent you a note on Noah's blog after his passing. The stories that your sons wrote for him were beautiful. He was certainly a beautiful spirit. Today I was on Becky's blog and just learned of your husband Aaron's passing. I just can't believe that such a young man was taken from you and your wonderful family, and to think that you were on holiday to enjoy being together and having some fun times. My heart goes out to you and your beautiful family, and I pray that you will have the strength and courage to get through each day. God does give us the strength we need when we need it. As others have mentioned in their comments, be gentle with yourself. My David is also in heaven, and I'm sure that he, Ben, Noah, and Aaron are watching down on us and holding us in prayer. I'm sending you lots of love and hugs from Massachusetts and will keep you and your family in my prayers. Peace be with all of you.

  72. I cannot imagine the pain you are in right now. Your 2 gorgeous angelboy/man will protect you through life. I am so very sorry for your loss. Sometimes life throws more than we can bear at us, that is how we learn to become strong.
    Your darling son and wonderful husband will always be a part of you.

  73. Oh, how I hurt for you. How I long to take away every tear. I don't know you at all, but, Jesus does and I pray peace and strength and people to carry you while you are going through this rough time. For sisters in Christ to pray for each other is an amazing and wonderful thing. May you feel others holding you up in prayer tonight.

  74. My heart is breaking for you. I can't possibly begin to imagine the pain you are going through, but I hope knowing that there are so many people praying for you and your family helps just a little bit.

  75. I'm a friend of Alison's and though I don't know you, I know how much you and your boys - all of them, Aaron included - are loved by your friends, family, and community. I'm wishing you a bounty of exactly whatever it is that you need right now: quiet, company, words, or silence. Sending you all the possible light from Canada. xo

  76. Incredibly touched by the stories and images so lovingly woven into each of your posts. Incredibly saddened that a family already so wise and aware of the power of love has been sent yet another unfathomable trial.
    Perhaps, the lesson, is for the rest of us. I will hold my children tighter and I will see the joy that resides in the everyday and I hope that my time on earth is as meaningful as your two "Kings". You probably didn't set out to be an inspiration but you are. I will think of you and not sweat the small stuff.
    This must be the most surreal time for you and your boys. I know your Kings will shine a torch and give you comfort. You have two Angels and your boys have you, an earthbound angel to guide and light their path. When a heart so big and full of love & loss can just take no more?!!
    Your words and images have proven to be so instrumental in helping others. I hope the universe/ blogiverse returns the favour to you ten fold. You are not alone.
    Love and Light

  77. You don't know me Lisa, but it seems I know you already through the incredible sad but beautifully written stories on your blog. My daughter posted a message on facebook this morning, which I opened and 3 hours later with my tears streaming down my face I rang her and asked if Aaron and her partner were colleagues. That was not the case, but she said she had known Noah and met you both in the hospital where she is a nurse. We talked about your other boys and she told me this story how Kobe plugged up the sink in the boys' toilet with lots of toilet paper, which subsequently flooded the hallway. She remembered how they all burst out laughing and that you couldn't help joining in. I hope this will bring a smile to your face. Lisa I don't know how you will manage this time, without Aaron next to you to share the burden of your loss, but I can see that you are no ordinary woman and that the people you are surrounded with will help you as much as possible. Your three boys will need you more than ever, concentrate on them, your blog entries and your amazing photography.
    When I studied to become a teacher, one of my special subjects was children with severe disabilities. One of the outcomes of that study was that these children have so much love to give and bring out the best in people who are receptive for such love. Well 43 years later and I see how true this is, by just reading your stories. I feel privileged to be allowed to get a glimpse of it. You are and will be an inspiration to many people, who will get strength from you. At the moment you yourself will need all the care and love there is. I am thinking of you and your beautiful boys.

  78. Prayers are being sent to you and your beautiful boys!!

  79. I feel some of your pain as I lost my husband suddenly almost 2 years ago. But the pain of losing two of your family I can't even begin to imagine. I just want you to know you are not alone in your pain and even though it will feel like you can't even breathe each day will get easier. I am still struggling and even though every day living is easier than it was the pain of my loss is still there, I got through with the help of my friends and family. I can see that you have many people to surround you with love and help. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your boys xxxx

  80. I just don't know what to say. I am so very sorry to hear this news.

  81. Lisa we have never met but I feel I know you. Having worked with Aaron for a couple of years it was very obvious to everyone the pride and love he had for you and the boys. His enthusiasm for life was inspiring. The courage, strength and love you all had at the difficult time when you lost Noah was I am sure comforting. Now you have to face this challenge and loss of another love of your life, which I am sure will do in time with the memory of your lives together and knowing the love he had and will continue to have for yourself and the boys. Another cheeky monkey in heaven under Gods care to guide you and love you from afar until you are again. My heart is sad with the news and you will be in my thoughts and prayers. You have all been and will continue to be the most courageous and inspirational family I have known. Take care, with much love Kate. x

  82. Gosh you have been through the ringer...I cannot say I understand what you are going through, as it has not happened to me, all I can say is that I am truly sorry for your loss and you and your boys are in my prayers. I am so sad reading your story and wish you all the best for the future, your boys are very lucky to have such an amazing mother. Sending you cyber gentle on yourself over the coming months and allow your body and mind to grieve and adjust. My thoughts and prayers, Emma.

  83. Mr King.
    you gave me all the strength i needed in such hard times, even if it meant just giving me silly nick names (TRizzy, Ritcho, Swifty..) or a smile.
    I had my 16th birthday last year, and thanks to you i got to spend it in Melbourne with all my friends at the school football trip.
    My family were having a tough time, and you were there to help.
    Thank You. Thank you for giving me days i will never forget, and the best 4 years at high school anyone could have asked for.
    Noah inspired me, you inspired me, you're whole family are truely incredible.

    Lisa, Jalen, Harri and Kobe, i am so very sorry.


  84. So very sad and so unfair. My heart breaks for you. You are an amazing family and an inspiration. I can not imagine losing a best friend and soul mate. So very hard. Hold onto the love that you share and know that you will meet again. Praying for you xxxx

  85. I'm so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your boys. Crissy xx

  86. I'm so very sorry :( May the thought that your precious husband and son are together again bring you lots of comfort. Sue

  87. Praying for you tonight. Found your blog through another blog I read and feeling deeply for you. Much prayer and thoughts to you and your family at this terribly difficult time. May God keep you strong and bless you as you continue to hold steadfastly to Him. x Blessings x

  88. My prayers are with you and your boys , I'm so sorry <3

  89. Wow. I am awake again for the second night in a row, I was up last night crying and an still up crying now. Mr king was a great teacher and an even better friend. He will always be an Inspiration to me and everyone he affected. School won't be the same with out you this year, I'm in year ten and was looking forward to the footy trip that mr king always attended. I'm pretty sure most people who went each year before didn't really care about the football but watching him come up with things and make jokes, sharing memories with people. It's going to be tough knowing that kingly won't be there to talk to at lunch times, go around at school carnivals saying here comes the squirrell, walking a around the school having him ask me if I have and nuts and doing our "squirrell" talk. I remember spending most lunch tims with him, rhiannon and mrs miller having A chat, But its not going to be the same. In grade 7 when i first met Him i thought wow he is one awesome teacher, but over the years he has become a great friend. He is reunited with noah and im sure he will be watching over us, especislly lisa and the boys. Everyone loved him and we will miss him so much. Rest in peace. My thoughts are with you.
    Jess tyrrell. 2012 kmhs

    Squirrell <3

  90. I also believe you arn't given more than you can handle, but you will be the judge of that. You will handle this in your way and that will be the right way for you. I hope you are surrounded by love. I am sending mine, Belinda

  91. My heart is full of such sorrow for you and your boys lisa. I didn't know you very well but I do not believe to even attempt to understand Gods plan in taking Aaron from you so soon after losing Noah but I feel that Aaron is a fantastic role model for all dad's out there. I know he wouldn't probably agree being such a humble soul but both you and Aaron's unwavering faith in god and family is remarkable. I cannot say anything to heal your immense pain but I can send you all my love and every bit of strength I have. May god hold you and your boys in his arms and may you feel his comfort all day and night long xxx

  92. I don't know you at all, I stumbled across your blog just before Noah died. I can't believe what I've just read, my heart just dropped and I can't stop the tears. I'll be praying for you and your beautiful boys, I know you don't feel like you have the strength but you will find a way. I'll keep following your blog, as I have for a while now, so if you think of anything AT ALL a 23 year old girl living in Melbourne could do to help, just put the word out.
    God Bless.

  93. Not sure what to say, so I will just send you my prayers.

  94. My heart breaks for you. It breaks for your boys. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Atlantic Canada Mama

  95. Lisa, my heart is broken for you. I know how much you loved Aaron, and also Noah. I wish there was some way to take away your pain. I am so privileged to be your friend and to know your family. Praying for you, Jalen, Harri & Kobe. Love you heaps xxxxxxxx

  96. Wow .... you bought tears to my eyes. Not just of sadness, but you have single handedly shown me personally, that no matter what love like you have never loved and live like never before. Lisa King you are my inspiration x

  97. I was brought to your blog from another...I had not read your son's story before this evening and have sat here in tears reading of Noah and your husband. I could not leave without telling you that my heart is broken for you, but I am also in awe of the love and strength you display. May you have some peace knowing that your loves are with each other though you would rather them all be with you.

  98. I know no words can help but I wonder whether a stranger who's also crying for your loss can make you feel less alone in your grief. I hope so. Sending loads of love and strength. Life is so strange.
    Nicole x

  99. Our thoughts are with you, even thoughts that we haven't yet had are with you and your boys.
    Noah is a lucky boy again to have his dad with him.

  100. Much, much love to you and your family.

  101. What a gorgeous photo. Thinking of you all at this time.
    Take care of yourself. xx

  102. Absolutely heartbreaking. My thoughts are with you and the boys at this incredibly sad time. Your words and spirit are truly admirable. xxx

  103. Such sad, sad news. I sit here thinking about you and your family, unable to imagine the sadness you must all feel. Although we are strangers, know that your story will stay with me forever. xxxx

  104. What an amazingly strong woman you are. I don't know you but my heart breaks for you because of the challenges our Lord has sent to you over the last few months. I cannot imagine what you're feeling at this time but you are obviously finding guidance from His strong hand through this traumatic experience. Please go on being a strong woman for your family and your friends, even though you may feel you are in your darkest hours. Remember Ecclesiastes 3:1-18.

  105. You write so beautifully and you love so much! I hope that these comments can bring you some hope and a little light in your grief. Its incredible that someone I've never met has touched me more than anyone I've ever known. I will be thinking of you and your beautiful sons. - Imogene

  106. "Mr. King" and I never got along as I was such an unruly student but I saw every time I saw him, his commitment to everything he did.
    My heart goes out to you and your family and a hope that you are now at ease that he was so loved.
    Stay strong.

  107. Please know that everyones thoughts and feelings are with you at this time. And we all hope and pray that you find strength within your beautifull children, family, friends and complete strangers (like myself) knowing that we are all thinking of you during this tough time. Your words are truley incredible and touching. You are a very gifted writer and your ability to express your feelings at such an un imaginable time is amazing. Please stay strong and know that we are all thinking of you, and we send to you all the strength we can. (we being the strangers like myself that read this blog quietly and take in every word you say so deep into the heart that we truley feel your pain and wish we could take some away). Stay strong xx

  108. Am deeply, deeply sorry for your losses and am sending love and hugs to you and your family.

  109. I have just come across your blog and I sit here in tears reading the very first post. My heart breaks for you and your 3 precious sons. Life isn't meant to be this cruel surely. I wish there was something I could say or do that would help but there isn't. I will just simply say how very, very sorry I am for everything you have gone through and will continue to go through. My heart goes out to you and your boys. I know that you have very special stars shining brightly in the night sky, your two guardian angels watching over you all. Stay strong and take care love and hugs to you all

  110. You are in my thoughts, my heart and my prayers.

  111. You & your family are in our thoughts and prayers...xoxo

  112. Teacher, father, husband, best friend. I know I didn't know him but I do know people who did. Who loved him as a best mate.
    I give my love to you guys who are suffering.

  113. I am so sorry for the loss of your husband and your sweet Noah.

  114. I am so sorry for your loss. I'm mourning with you right now as tears are streaming down my face. I will pray for you and your sweet family. I wish you the best in all of your future endeavors.

  115. I just left you a comment on Noah's story post and then continued on reading your blog. My eye's are overflowing with tears for you and your sweet boys right now. Your story is truly incredible and what an inspiration to each and every one of us. Words cannot express the love I am feeling for you and I will continue to pray for your strength and sanity in this time of need.

    My heart swells for you and your boys. Continue to trust in the Lord and he will surely bless you to get through this time in your lives. All my prayers and best wishes to you, once again...

  116. I believe that at times, we are given MORE than we can handle so that the ATONEMENT can really take full effect in our lives. I'm so sorry for your heart ache and loss. I pray that you find peace and comfort in the knowledge of ETERNAL FAMILIES. The Savior loves you and your family, and I hope you feel him especially close at this time. Thank you for sharing your sweet family and remarkable strength.

  117. Thank you for having the courage to share your story. My heart is breaking for you. Thoughts and prayers with your family. Reading this has made me want to be a better wife, mother, friend.

  118. Thank you for having the courage to share your story. My heart is breaking for you. Thoughts and prayers with your family. Reading this has made me want to be a better wife, mother, friend.

  119. I am so sorry for your loss, losing a husband and a son within months of each other is truly a cross nobody should have to bear.
    You are so strong and amazing.
    Keep on sharing your story and I know God will get you through.
    prayers and love go out to you and your 3 boys.

  120. You don't even know me. But I saw a stack of shirts on "make it perfect" and wanted to know where they had come from. Here I am over an hour later after reading through so many of your families tender moments in tears. I'm so grateful that you are not without the gospel in your life, to know that this is not the end. My heart truly goes out to you and your boys. I hate it when I hear it but my husband always tells my "this is but a moment". I hope the moments you've had together will one day soon replace the ones of grief. - Angel

  121. A friend sent me to your blog, and I've been reading the story of what you went through a year ago. It's very tender to me because I lost my husband a little over three weeks ago to a heart problem too. I recognize your feelings because I'm feeling them now. I'm so thankful for the gospel and know there's a plan, but it's still really hard at times. I look forward to reading more of your blog as I can only imagine where I'll be a year from now. Prayers and hugs to your family.

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