Sunday, 28 September 2008

65 Years Together

Today we went to church at Deloraine as it is Nan and Pop's 65th wedding anniversary. This is them 65 years ago to the day.

and today

Pop is still in hospital, so Dad and Nan went to pick him up so he could come out and celebrate his anniversary for a little while. Uncle Chayne made a little speech and before Dad took him back to hospital, I put on a DVD for Nan and Pop that I had made for the family which had photos of the whole family as well as old photos from their entire lives. Nan was amazed by it all. It was nice watching them while it was on - Pop grabbed hold of Nan's hand.

Jay had fun running around with my new camera, snapping away ( I think he is going to take after his Mum!).

Here are a few of the pics he took - including what's left of the anniversary cake!

Pop was pretty with it today, even asking me where my new camera was as he heard that I won it and said everyone had been telling him that they saw a photo of him up at the shopping centre.

We took the opportunity of seeing Nan and Pop together to get some family photos with them.

Kobe is getting almost as big as Alex now!


  1. Such a special day, love all the family pictures.

  2. How amazing are your Nan and Pop? imagine 65 years! Imagine how many more emotionsal Grand Finals you'd have to get through Lisa!!!

    Great photos Jalen!

  3. Kylie - Aaron is very disappointed that you didn't notice his Hawks scarf in the pic!!! :)

  4. Lisa those pictures are beautiful..made me cry when I read the part about your Nan and Pop holding hands while watching the video..
    I told Nan I hope Mark and I make it to 65 yrs..
    Today was a very special day..

  5. I noticed the tie - that tiny bit with the photo of Jalen! I then went back for a better look at the photos and noticed the scarf after my comment - my apologies Mr King!

  6. Looks like a nice day. I think Jay might not have long to go to catch up with your picture taking

  7. Love the pic of your nan and pop - precious. And I noticed the scarf!!!


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