Tonight we had our monthly family tea at Mum and Dad's. The theme was 'American' which was interesting as we all tried to come up with something really American to eat. We came up with hot dogs, sloppy joes, and Amarillo cheese fries (one of Aaron's old favourites from Lone Star). We had to have salad and fruit to even up all that fat :) For dessert Steph made a yummy Mississippi Mudcake which was like chocolate mousse/cheesecake. It was delicious. We also had pumpkin pie and caramel pie.

It was great to have Eden, Steph and Chloe with us, although after last night, they probably wish they were back living in NSW! We all talked about what we were going to do for Easter and how we were looking forward to seeing Chrish and all being together for the first time in ages.

It was very noisy and chaotic with all the grandkids together for the first time, but also lots of fun. Dad had fun pushing them on them on the swing and kept calling out 'quick Lisa - this is a good camera moment!', knowing that I would be blogging about it later on! Mum said at the end of the night that she felt like she hadn't had tea as she was busy running around trying to sort out all the grandkids!

It was nice to see 'little' Alex again and to see how much he had grown up and is now doing lots of smiling. Just seeing him though reminds me of how much hard work it is going to be, to have a newborn again.

We had a great laugh as Steph caught Jared reading the 'ezibuy' catalogue, so she just had to grab a photo of it. Not the usual magazine you would normally catch him reading! Jared tried to delete the photos, but didn't realise that there were more than one! :)

After tea we attempted to get a photo of all the cousins together.

Talk about laugh! The first couple of photos were not too bad, and then Alex decided he had enough, and then not long later, all of them had enough!

Dad went to collect the eggs from their new chooks, so we made him go and put them all back as we had hoped the boys could go and collect them. Poor Dad - the things he has to do to amuse us city slickers! The boys then went down to collect them and the whole time Harri was freaking out about the dog, and then the chooks! He is turning into Jay!

One chook was out, so Jay had fun trying to catch it.

In the end Eden thought it would be easier for Jay to hold Chloe, and for Eden to catch the chook. I'm not so sure though! Chloe looked almost as big as Jay!

Harri wouldn't go anywhere near the chooks, but made Jay get all the eggs. He very proudly showed them off though - like he had done all the hard work of collecting them! I think I probably heard from Dad about ten times that we don't bring the boys out to the country enough!

Noah cracked us all up because as soon as Aaron picked him up to put him in his wheelchair to come home he had the biggest smile - even though he was half asleep! He is such a rat - he always smiles when it is time to go home!