Sunday 23 December 2007

Middle Age

I'm not sure exactly when you are supposed to hit middle age, but I think Aaron hit it today:) Today is Aaron's 35th birthday. I tease him about being an old man, but I am getting there pretty fast as well. We still both say we feel like we are in our early twenties. Even saying that makes us sound old! :)

I hate that his birthday is on the 23rd of December, but he loves it as he says everyone is in a good mood and excited for Christmas. Aaron is like a big kid on his birthday. Half way through the year he starts telling me what he wants for his birthday! He always chooses what he wants and this year he was very excited as he chose a new mobile phone. After church the boys helped him open up his presents.

When I first met Aaron he was a very fussy eater. He still is, but a lot better than he used to be. Before he would always choose to have steak and chips for his birthday tea, but this year he decided he wanted me to make Thai chicken curry. That is a huge change from when I first met him! He also chose to have chocolate barvarian and french cheesecake for dessert. He doesn't like me to make one but loves the cheap frozen ones from the supermarket - makes it very easy for me!

Harri was very excited as we were using 'special' glasses at tea time. He kept asking what they were on the table for and when we kept saying it was for Daddy's birthday he would say 'it's my birthday!'. I think he is very confused since it is so close to Christmas.


  1. Hey, Happy Birthday to Aaron!! He hides his age well. You both do. Have a great Christmas.
    Love from Konn, Colin & Kids

  2. Wow 35. Yikes!! I wonder if they will let such an old man into the gym tomorrow!!

  3. Looks like a great birthday - I'll be there for the big 40th bash

  4. Happy Birthday Aaron.
    Party looks like it was great fun.


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