The day started with Jay waking up at 5.45am and coming into our bedroom. He was so excited and I told him to wait till 6am and we would then wake up Harri and Noah and open up our presents, so he jumped into bed with us. He was very keen to see if Santa had written him a note, and was so excited to see that he did! At 6am we dragged the other two boys out of bed and it only took Harri a couple of seconds to realise what day it was. Harri and Jay were both so excited to see their presents from Santa. Noah on the other hand decided he wanted to stay asleep.

Jalen was so excited to see a new basketball ring outside. We spent a lot of the morning outside having shots.

Noah woke up for about 30 seconds so we quickly started to unwrap his presents with him. He then decided he wasn't really in the mood for it, and went straight back to sleep. We continued to open his presents without him.

Aaron's Dad and Step Mum went to Melbourne this year to spend Christmas with Aaron's sister, so it was the first year we could really relax at home in the morning as we had nowhere to go till lunch time. It was nice as the boys could play with all their new things and we didn't have to rush.
Harri thought all the chocolates and lollies were great and got stuck into them straight away. Jay on the other hand hasn't eaten one all day! He is so different to Harri.

The boys were excited as for breakfast they got to have cereal that we only let them have on special occasions - Nutrigrain and Cocoa Pops. We also had more yummy fresh fruit, pineapple juice and eggs and bacon.

Noah finally woke up at about 10.45am but obviously wasn't feeling well and started the day off yelling. I knew it wasn't going to be a good day.

The early start was obviously too much for Harri and Noah as they both slept on the way out to Mum and Dad's.

When we got there the boys were so excited to see that Grandma and Grandpa had a new swing set, blow up pool and sandpit.

For lunch we had prawn cocktails, ham, lots of yummy salads and seafood. This year it was only Mum and Dad, Nicki, Alex and Maddi and us. The boys were hanging out for Nicki and Alex to arrive so we could open up more presents (like they didn't have enough already!). We weren't sure whether Nicki would even make it or not since she is due in two weeks and Maddi came 16 days early. She is still holding on though.

Everyone was very happy with their presents. This year we decided (thanks for the great idea Steph) that we would all put in a certain amount of money per child and then split the money evenly between the kids and one person would buy for one child. That way each child gets a bigger and better present instead of lots of little ones and it saves having to buy for lots of kids. It worked really well. Harri was very excited about his tool set and fishing rod from Jared and Becky.

Jay loved his night vision goggles and game from Nicki and Alex. I don't know whether they helped him play his nintendo DS better or not :)

After we opened up the presents the weather started to warm up, so the boys thought it was time to go outside and test out the slide on the swing set. It is a slide where you connect a hose into and it turns into a waterslide. We didn't take any bathers out so Jay decided to just go in his undies and Harri didn't want to wear anything at all! The boys had an awesome time and Harri just kept cracking up laughing every time he would hit the bottom and slide across the grass. His little bottom was very red by the end of it!

While the boys played we all sat outside and enjoyed the sun. Even Noah cheered up for a little while, but it didn't last long.

For tea we had yummy turkey, roast vegies and gravy and for dessert it was chocolate mousse, pavlova and fresh raspberries and cream. Because I have this horrible cold it was the first year in a long time that I didn't pig out and make myself feel sick! I didn't even eat any chocolate (till now!). I was glad that I could at least taste it though.

After tea we made the most of Dad's round hay bales in the paddock for a photo opportunity.

Noah was still yelling at 7 pm so we thought it was time to head home. He hasn't had a happy day and when he is like this it isn't very relaxing at all.

Except for Noah being cranky we had a really nice day. We missed Eden, Steph, Chloe, Jared, Becky, Kelsea and Chrish but hopefully next year we will all be together. Mum and Dad may have to extend their dining room!