Tonight we went out to the
Webster family's Trunk or Treat. We heard all about it last year and how much fun it was, so when Jackie (and Mum and Dad) invited us along we jumped at the chance to go. The boys have never really celebrated Halloween before (for those in the US etc we don't usually celebrate Halloween here unless someone puts on their own thing), so they were so excited to be able to dress up and do some 'trick or treating', or 'trunk or treating' as was the case tonight.
Everyone decorated their car boots (or trunks as known on the other side of the world!) and then all the kids went around collecting their lollies or getting a trick instead (or both!).

Jay decided weeks ago he wanted to be an Egyptian Mummy, Harri wanted to be Spiderman (that was easy - just had to pull out the costume!), Kobe was Santa Claus (but it got too cold so we had to put a jacket on over his Santa suit) and Noah was an angel (of course).

Dad even got in on the action this year and dressed up! Both Mum and Dad looked great.

Aaron dressed up as 'Jason' from the movie 'Friday the 13th'. I was a witch - all week Aaron has been saying I didn't even need a costume to be that! He
thinks he is funny.

There were some awesome costumes!! The Corona's and Sherri and her husband and Mymona had gone to such an effort and looked awesome.

Poor little Kels had a sore foot and couldn't do much, but was a beautiful fairy.

Steph and the kids came as a Wizard of Oz theme - they all looked so cute - including Steph. She made a great Dorothy.

Simone hardly had to even dress up to come as a pumpkin! ;)

The kids all went around to the cars and did their trick or treating. Everyone had gone to a real effort to decorate their car boots up. They looked so good and the kids had a great time getting tricks done to them and collecting lollies. Barb had put some plastic ducks in water (next to a pretend severed head!). Depending on which duck you chose, she gave you a bag of lollies to match.

Harri was having fun until he spotted some dogs (Harri and dogs don't mix at the moment!). He calmed down until he got to Jayne's car. Tayla was hiding in the boot and you had to put your hand through some plastic into the boot to get your treat. As Harri reached in Tayla reaches out and grabs Harri's hand. You would've thought he was being murdered! He lets out this blood curdling scream and wouldn't settle down. Being the good Mum that I am, I'm wetting myself laughing, with tears streaming down my face, while I'm trying to calm him down.

There was no way that Harri was doing any more trick or treating after that! He did start going over to Toni and Jaron's car, but wasn't impressed that their boot looked like a mouth with sharp teeth and didn't want to get his hand snapped! He then spent the rest of the trick or treating time in the van with Noah (who was hiding from the wind), refusing to come out as it was 'too scary'. After the kids had finished trick or treating the costumes were all judged.

After they gave out the main prizes they still had a few prizes left, Jay was very excited to win a box of chocolates! By that time half of his costume had fallen down!

Harri was getting upset, wondering why he hadn't won a prize for his Spiderman costume. He is so funny as he just assumes that he should get everything - a typical four year old I guess (like at the magic show last week - he just couldn't work out why he wasn't chosen out of hundreds of people to be a volunteer to go on stage!). Aaron then got a box of chocolates so he gave it to Harri and told him he won! He was really happy then.

All night there was a sausage sizzle going and lots of yummy desserts. Everyone had fun playing different games, and just sitting around talking.

Uncle Kim took the kids (big and little!) for a hay ride. It reminded me of when we were little and Pop would take us for rides on the back of his land rover or truck down at the river.

It was a great night - so much fun. Thanks heaps Jackie for inviting us along. Hopefully Harri won't have too many nightmares tonight! :)