Sunday, 8 April 2012

Six Months

I'm not one to dwell on dates or think too much about the significance of them.  I remember that Noah passed away on the 8th and Aaron on the 26th but I don't dread those dates coming around every month, any more than any other day.

So this morning I woke up just thinking it was Easter Sunday.  Then I realised it was six months since Noah passed away.  Six months ago since the day we had to say goodbye. Since months since our hearts broke.  

Then I thought about how significant it was that the six month anniversary is on Easter Sunday. 

Every day I'm so grateful to know that one day we will be together again with Noah and Aaron, but especially today as I know why it is possible that we can be together again.


  1. Half a full year.
    It doesn't seem possible.
    Love Mum.

  2. you are in my prayers xxx

  3. And what a comfort we have and are reminded of by our easter celebrations

  4. And what a comfort we have and are reminded of by our easter celebrations

  5. so not sure what to say - take care xxx

  6. Beautiful Noah- you belong to such a beautiful family - forever!!!! XX xxxx

  7. Half of a year closer to being together again. Happy Easter! May you feel them near you all day!

  8. I read your blogs with tears streaming down my face. You are amazing to be so strong. I have a daughter with severe disabilities and if and when she leaves me I know I will be a mess...I don't know how you do it to see the me you are an inspiration. I could learn so much from was actually your blogs that inspired me to keep record of my Mia's journey. And so I set up Now to wipe away my tears, from your words and photos which tell a story in themselves. Thank u for sharing and inspiring us mums of special needs kids

  9. So sorry for your great losses, almost seems like too much for one to bear. I am glad your faith brings you such comfort.

  10. You're such a strong woman. I don't know what to say when I see the pictures. I only feel a lot of pain for you and your're sons.
    Maria from Holland

  11. After 46 years I still always remember the day that my dad was killed, so I figure that 6 months on for you after Noah passed away I'm sure you would remember the date. Still love reading your blog.


We are so grateful for everyone's love and support, and appreciate your comments xoxo

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