Thursday, 1 July 2010

When you have an extra special brother

it helps you learn lots of things that other (just) two year olds wouldn't always know about... like how to help out Mum by getting things she needs like enemas, towels and the suction machine. You also learn to help out by holding the door open so Mum can get the wheelchair out the front door without it banging on Noah. I'm a very good helper...most days!


  1. Kobe King you are such a good boy! And oh so super cute!! :)

  2. He IS a great helper. I've seen him in action.
    It also helps that he nods vigorously every time you ask him something. I LOVE how he does that.
    Sooooooo cute!!!!

  3. Actually, after looking at that photo a second time, I'm just wondering....have you swapped Kobe for a bigger version? When did he grow up so fast? He looks like one of your big boys now....not that squidgy little baby anymore. KOBE!!! STOP!!!

  4. good job Kobe.... you are growing up so fast... you get my prize for the best little helper... a big gold star....

  5. Awww. He is sooo cute. Theres an ad on tv with a little boy that looks just like Kobe.

  6. Well I for one am happy that Kobe is around, and he IS a good little man. He can't even throw a tantrum properly.
    Gee!! It looks cold and foggy in Launnie today.
    Love Mum.

  7. such a good little brother

  8. SO CUTE! I LOVE that picture. The perspective is so great.


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