I rang the school bus to tell them not to worry about picking him up for school, as he would be staying home with me, and then half an hour later he settled down. I had a busy day planned, so decided he could just stay home with Kobe and me and do what we were going to be doing.
During the morning his school was having a special assembly to share their work they had been doing on different countries, so I decided to take Noah along to join in.
Noah's class have been learning about Papua New Guinea, so his teacher talked about all the things they found out about it.

He did start dozing off before the end though.
Kobe wandered around most of the time and loved it, but hated it when a couple of the kids would scream on top of their lungs. He also gets a bit worried about the kids who use walking frames. It makes me laugh as to him what Noah does is totally 'normal', even when he has seizures, coughs and splutters or yells for half the day, but other kids with special needs still make him a bit nervous.

It was nice to be able to join in, even though Noah wagged school for the day.