After a long countdown till Christmas, our day started very early with Jay and Harri waking up at 5.30 am. We sent them back to bed until Kobe woke up which was only half an hour later. We joked with the boys that we should make them wait to open up presents until Noah woke up, but we knew that wouldn't be until about 2pm. Harri was very excited about two of his presents - his Hawthorn clash guernsey which he had been asking for, for about 6 months. Whenever we would go to the football he would say 'I want a white top with 15 on the back!'. He was so excited when he opened it up and it even had number 15 on the back for his favourite player - Luke Hodge. He was also very excited about his Star Wars Lego.

Jalen also loves Star Wars and was very excited to get a new light saber that makes sounds and lights up,

Kobe had no clue what to do with the presents at first. He was so excited to just watch what was going on and had to have lots of help to open his presents. The most exciting thing for him of the morning was being allowed to have a Tim Tam for breakfast! He thought he was in heaven.

The boys weren't happy with just Tim Tams and were loving our brunch of their favourite cereal (that they only have on special occasions), crepes with fresh fruit, muffins, juice, and bacon and eggs.

After spending some time with Aaron's family we headed out to Mum and Dad's about lunch time. Noah only just woke up on the way out and stayed awake just long enough to open his presents with Aaron.

Harri was so excited when Nicki and Alex arrived and yelled 'present time!!!'. I had to remind him that first of all you should say 'Merry Christmas', which he did and then yelled 'present time!' again.

It's lots of fun watching the kids open up their presents.

We missed Chrish, Eden and Steph and Jared and Becky and all the kids, but it was also nice just having a quieter Christmas.

It was such a beautiful day. The last few year Christmas day has been windy and cold, so it was nice to go and spend sometime outside in the sun. Noah decided that opening presents was all too much and had a snooze outside under the trees.

The boys asked my Dad if he could get the waterslide going and they had heaps of fun playing all afternoon.

Alex and Kobe both went down once and decided that was enough for them! I think the speed of the slight scared them a bit and they were just happy to sit and watch after that.

That was until Kobe discovered the dishwashing liquid and kept trying to squirt it everywhere!

If he wasn't into the dishwashing liquid he was grabbing everyone's cameras! He would come out with them around his neck and all, trying to take photos. Obviously he is my boy :)

It was nice to spend time outside. Mum worked flat out all day and was in the kitchen while we were all outside. Kobe wasn't happy with that and kept going in and dragging her out to watch everyone on the slide.

It seemed like we ate all afternoon.

It was a lovely day and nice to spend time with the Watsons and Mum and Dad.

Noah finally got to open his presents after we got home later in the evening. I was glad we waited till he was really awake. Kobe had no problem knowing what to do this time and kept trying to rip into Noah's presents for him.

He got lots of things he could look at and use including a disco ball which he loved looking at in the dark last night, some branch lights and a new little DVD player (his old one was broken).

I'm sure Harri will be counting down the days again till next year! It's going to be a very long year.