We recently got back in contact with Fiona Harding (thanks facebook!) who we grew up with as kids. We haven't seen her for a long time(probably about 15 years or so!), but it has been great catching up via facebook and each other's blogs. I LOVE checking our her photo blog. She says she is 'still learning' but her photos are incredible and I love the way she edits them on photoshop. We were really excited when Mum rang her and she said she would love to take some photos for us.
We all met at Deloraine yesterday and it was freeeeeeezing! Steph cracked me up as she is starting to become a true Tasmanian as she said 'it really was warm this week, it's only just got cold'.
Fiona was fantastic. She was very patient and so good with the kids. Harri was being Harri and burst into tears as his shoes were muddy. It was a whole group shot and the kids were starting to get a bit restless. I really wanted him to settle down so we could just get the photo done, but in true Harri style he was carrying on and kept crying 'my shoes are dirty!!!'. Fiona was great and told him to go with her as she had something special for him. Harri came back with the biggest grin on his face with a bottle of bubbles to blow.
The funniest comment from Fiona all day was 'Aaron you are a lot grumpier than you come across on Lisa's blog!'. I cracked up and told her he is always grumpy (not really - but he was just being Aaron). All day she was stirring him about the Hawks (her husband is also a big Hawks fan so she understands my pain). I think she even took a photo just for Aaron of his Hawks socks!
She started off doing some posed shots of the whole family and then individual families in different ways.