Friday 18 July 2008

Speed Stacks

After seeing Jalen last week in assembly doing the speed stacks with his class, we decided to buy the boys a set each. Thanks to Lisa who told me they were on sale at Toyworld (via her blog). All week the boys have been watching the DVD that comes with the set, and spending hours and hours playing with them.

I personally think I would get bored with it, but Jay loves trying to beat his personal best. He is getting really good at it.


  1. You had a captive audience Jay. Maddi insisted we watch it 6 times!! She is still saying "again please". Looks like fun and you are very skillfull Jay.

  2. So did Oscar! "I want to watch him again" over and over!! Jay is SO good at'll have to post another video when he becomes the master!

  3. jay is soooo clever..i reckon we would take at least 1/2 an hour to get thru it heheheh..

  4. O.k we sooo have to get some of these... George has watched it over and over!!!

  5. wow Jay I am impressed, way to go.

  6. MMM.... i think you might have a little entertainer here!! Love it!!


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