Monday was Merilyn's 60th birthday. Tonight lots of her family and friends got together at the Wheeler's to help her celebrate it. This year is also the 60th Anniversary of Holden cars, so obviously 1948 was a big year ;)

Aaron 'kindly' volunteered to stay home with Noah (we won't mention that Hawthorn was playing tonight and it was being shown on TV!), so Jay, Harri, Kobe and I went and enjoyed the night - eating and socialising.

Kobe was very well behaved and slept for a little while and then enjoyed cuddles from lots of different people. It is nice now that he is a lot more settled at night.

I think Simone just realised what she has gotten herself into with another baby on the way very soon!

After the yummy BBQ tea, Collette the games girl kept us entertained with quizzes and games.

I was on the winning team - called the JJ's, SS and LL's as we had Jessica and Joe, Scott and Simone, and Lisa (Prebble) and Lisa (me). It was lucky we had Scott and Lisa - the quiz masters, who knew the answer to just about everything from sporting questions to politics. I very sadly did not contribute anything to my team except for one answer that I knew which was the Cyclone Tracey happened in 1974 (an excellent year as it was the year that Simone and I were born, so both of us knew that!!).
Aaron would have come in very handy with all the sport questions we were given as he always knows useless crap like that! ;) I think he should have come as we got home to a lot of yelling at the TV.
It was a nice night and the boys had fun hanging out with all the kids. I missed out on getting a photo of Merilyn in her car costume that she was wearing at the beginning of the night. I'm sure one of the other bloggers there won't let us down and will have a photo of it on their blog.
Wow, you're quick getting that blogged! It certainly was a good night, with about 50 people was the most we have had in our home. Mum enjoyed herself, all up she's had a pretty good birthday week.