Yes - today is the big day! My due date has hit, but of course in true King boy style there is no signs of a baby coming yet. I am still betting that this baby will arrive around June 6th - 13 days overdue. I'm actually feeling really good - even though my tummy is now
huge! I don't really feel uncomfortable (like I have other pregnancies), so I'm actually quite happy to go a week or two longer, as I know that this baby will be a lot harder to look after once it is out :)
This has by far been the easiest pregnancy, which is good as I have been busy trying to get Noah sorted out. It actually shocks me when I see myself in a mirror and realise how big I am, as I'm not feeling like I am that big at all. The funniest thing today was that I got a few groceries at Coles. At the checkout the woman serving me calls for a 'handout'. I protested telling her I was fine (I literally had 5 light bags!) but they wouldn't let me go out to the van on my own! I had to have a woman push the trolley of groceries. I laughed and told them I was fine, and was actually due today and was hoping to bring the labour on, but they insisted I get a handout. They then told me all the tricks to bring labour on, which of course I have tried before but they never work. I think this baby is just going to come when he is really ready. As you can see I am still really high up - I never really engage till I am in labour though.

On Saturday mornings I usually go to the gym and do Pump class (weights class). Today I had no gym buddies going though, so I used it as an excuse to sleep in. It is probably a good thing as the trainer's jokes are starting to get a big old - talking about my waters breaking during class etc. On Wednesday she asked me if I was coming today, and I told her I was, so at the end of class she asked the whole class that if they were coming on Saturday to bring an extra towel! With the way that each of my labours have been, I keep telling her that I could pretty much guarantee her I would not have my waters break during class, let alone deliver it during class, but she keeps reminding me that I am fitter this time and things may be very different (I can only hope!).
Instead of going to the gym as usual, I enjoyed a soak in the bath, pancakes for breakfast and then we had a nice picnic lunch with Steph and Chloe at Punchbowl Reserve. Steph had contacted me during the week, saying that her sister Vienna and herself started a tradition that on their due dates they would go out for lunch, as they knew it was most likely they would go past their due date, but if they planned something it would give them something to look forward to on that day. I thought it sounded like a great idea, so we braved the cool weather and had fun feeding the ducks, having a picnic, kicking the footy (some of us anyway - Steph and I were quite happy to sit and chat) and the kids had a nice play.

Jay was so lovely helping Chloe. He can't wait to be a really big brother again! He asked me last night if I was going to hospital today. I told him that the baby may not come for another two weeks and he said that I could still go into hospital (I think he is a
little bit excited!). I asked him why I would want to sit around hospital for two weeks and he said 'because they give you jelly and ice cream!'. I think that is the highlight for the boys whenever Noah is in hospital.