Tuesday 3 June 2008

What is up with......

Braxton Hicks contractions!!!? They are so frustrating! I have never had them before, but with this pregnancy I have had them for the last month or two, but the past week I am having them every day - ALL the time! They just don't get any stronger. When I am still I feel them really strong, but if I am busy I would miss them.

Today I went and had a CTG done to make sure the baby is happy and well, so I can hang out a bit longer. Everything is looking really good and the Braxton Hicks even showed up on the trace. The midwife told me that they weren't really long or strong enough to be doing anything which is frustrating! I was hoping she was going to say that I may be 3 cm already :)

So - we continue to wait till Barry is ready to come out! Oh - and Aaron has strict instructions to post on the blog ASAP after he is born, as everyone is hanging out to hear when he finally does arrive. Not sure if it because of the chocolate prize or just that everyone is excited! ;)


  1. sounds like you are ALMOST ready to have him out! you have done soooo well. and yep, aaron better post right away...so exciting! i like to think of braxton hicks as a way of your body getting really ready so that it isn't quite as hard when real labour strikes! i had them heaps with lil and her labour was pretty nice. good luck!

  2. arg, I had them all the time with Rowan's pregnancy too. The last two weeks I really thought they were contractions and doing something... but just wait till the REAL ones come!!! he he! ohhhh it's so exciting. You will do great Lisa.

  3. That picture can be deceiving. I almost thought you had been admitted! Hopefully it will be the real deal soon. Is there a prize for the person that is the furthest guess away? I am way off the date and weight. I really thought you'd have Shane on time, or not far from the due date.

  4. Im excited 9and not just for the chocolate ) ;-)

  5. I had BH contractions with my 3rd. I new they weren't real, but they must of been doing something b/c my labor was only 1 hour-you can always hope!

  6. I predict today,don,tknow why , maybe a little bird told me. Love Mumxxxx

  7. WAY TO GO! He is just adorable - Lisa you are such a champion!!! I'm sooo glad it was such a quick and relatively easy birth, just what you need! Great post Anti-blogger, you really impressed me!


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