Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Old Mac's Farm

Today with Family Based Care School Holiday Program we went to Old Mac's Farm. I went yesterday as a worker and knew that Jay was going to love it and that Harri was going to freak out! All last night I kept telling him how fun it was going to be at the farm and he started to come around and seemed a bit excited.

When we got there he was excited to see the rabbits in cages, but as soon as he saw chooks and ducks walking out in the open he started screaming! One of the workers picked him up and tried to calm him down, and he was fine until he would see another chook and then he continued to freak out. He was so scared that he even dropped his whole bag of feed right at his feet which was hilarious, as it meant about four chooks came running straight over to eat it! Harri was not happy.

After a while he started to calm down and enjoyed being able to hold the guinea pigs and rabbits. He even gave one a kiss!

Noah slept for the first half an hour, but it didn't stop the animals checking him out.

It is a great place for the kids as they get to hold and feed all of the animals. Yesterday we found it had a really calming affect on all the kids with autism.

Aaron was excited to hold a duck. He is always saying he wants a pet duck!

We also got to either have a pony ride or a ride in the cart. Jay chose to get on the pony.

The poor pony that was pulling the four of us! I don't know how it made it all the way around the lake and back.

Harri was very excited about the porta-loo! He thought it was a fridge and kept seeing people go in and out of it, and asked me if he could go into the fridge! When I told him it was a toilet he was even more excited and visited it many times.

I was supposed to work in the afternoon, helping at ten pin bowling, but got a phone call from the hospital saying Noah was having a CT scan done in the afternoon and had to be sedated for it. So instead Noah and I spent a fun afternoon in hospital. The CT scan was really fast, but they wouldn't let us go home until he was fully awake. He is getting cranky again - I just wish that we could get him settled for more than a few days at a time.

Tomorrow I have to work again at Old Mac's Farm and then ten pin bowling and also on Friday. I think I will be all farmed out by Friday!


  1. Thats hilarious all you guys going to a farm, I'm suprised more of you didn't freak out

  2. Lisa you are getting pretty big! I looked at the first pic and got a shock- you really poped out since the last I saw you. So funny about Harry and the 'fridge'

  3. Harri is going to love that picture of himself on the port a loo in a couple of years. its almost child abuse.

  4. The farm looks like so much fun. Harri's looks of terror are so cute, you can't help but smile.
    I loved the picture of Noah asleep, it looks like the animal is giving him a big kiss.

  5. Hey lisa,
    Nah it's not really big- no bigger than your average 3 bedroom home. It would look bigger because of the large windows (and plaster being light) it all replects and makes it large- that was the lounge and kitchen though (open plan) you will have to check it out some time!

  6. You are looking soooo good! Cute little tummy...I think it looks little and compact!

  7. A fridge! That's a classic! He would have to be the first person I have heard of to enjoy a port-a-loo! I hate them!
    Cas xo

  8. Hey Lisa,
    Yeah were doing all the theme parks and staying with family.
    I can't wait. It should be really good. Mum, Georgia and I haven't been before. Its exciting :)


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