It was a hard, but amazing day today as we said farewell to Aaron. I knew it would be big, but it was way bigger than I imagined.
There were so many people that the chapel, lounge and hall were filled and then people were also watching it in other rooms and also outside on a big screen.
All day I just kept thinking that it was unbelievable to think that we were doing this all over again.
My boys were amazing and so, so strong. Both Jay and Harri spoke about Aaron and told everyone all the things they loved doing with him, and how he would be happy with Noah right now. All three of them sat close by me the whole time, even Kobe who usually likes to go off and sit somewhere else. He was so good the whole time.
Jay has told me he is now the 'man of the house' and whenever he sees me crying he comes over and rubs my arm and says 'it'll be okay Mum, we'll be okay. It'll get easier'.
It was a hard day but I felt Aaron and Noah close by and after first of all thinking that I wouldn't be able to get up and speak, I was overcome with peace and felt very calm as I told everyone about the Aaron I know and love.
As Chrish drove the boys and I into the cemetery we talked about how just last week were were walking through there at night, laughing, playing and joking as we went down to Noah's grave. Now we were following his body in the hearse. Just seeing his name on the board all alone, made me sad.
After rain during the night, Noah turned on the weather for us again and the sun started to come out.

I thought I would find it really hard at the cemetery like I did with Noah, but I just felt a lot of peace as I watched his coffin being lowered into the ground. Kobe helped make it easier as he said 'here it goes! Down, down, down!' and made us all smile. Once the coffin got to the bottom Kobe then said 'now he's in Heaven!'.