Yesterday was a very exciting day. A few months ago Aaron and I booked tickets to see Pink on the spur of the moment. When I heard she was touring Australia I said to Aaron how awesome it would be to go and see her, but know how hard it is to get away for a period of time with Noah, so we just forgot about it. Then one afternoon I was having a nanna nap and Aaron had put one of her CDs on while I was in bed. I kept waking up and hearing different songs and kept thinking 'I LOVE that song!', then another song would come on and I would then think 'oh no - I love THAT song!', and every song that came it was the same. I got out of bed and said to Aaron 'let's just go and see Pink - I love all of her songs, and we never do anything like that'. We then jumped on the net and booked tickets. The only concert we could get in Melbourne was in the middle of the week which was going to be tricky with Aaron's work, but we found a flight that would go over in the afternoon and get back the next morning before he had to be at school. We quickly booked it before we changed our minds and have waited months for it to come!
Mum was brave enough to agree to come and look after all four boys. I was a little stressed about leaving Noah as I have never actually left him overnight with anyone except for Aaron when he was in hospital. The night before we left I actually had a dream that I was running late to catch the plane as I was trying to get Noah's breathing to settle down before we left. I then got to the airport just in time to catch the plane,
but I had no shoes on and forgot the Pink tickets so we couldn't go to the concert anyway! I tried to not stress too much as I knew Mum had looked after the boys a lot lately and that she knew how to deal with Noah well so I decided to just try to enjoy the time away without worrying about the boys too much. It was exciting as I hadn't been away to the mainland with just Aaron for 11 years!! The last time we flew by ourselves together was when we went to an Oasis concert in Melbourne. We were both VERY excited to have a kid free night!

I was even excited about just being on the plane with no kids!! No kids to entertain for an hour, no kids to make sure their ears weren't hurting, no kids to feed snacks to, no kids to pass books and colouring in books to, no kids to grizzle and complain and ask when we were going to get there!! Of course we decided to make the most of an hour long, kid free plane trip. Aaron paid some extra money to watch Fox sports which he thought was worth the whole trip!

I decided to have a nap :)

It was very exciting flying into Melbourne and seeing the city.

We caught the Skybus from the airport and was happy to have made it in good time which meant we had a couple of hours in the city before we had to get to our hotel and the concert.

I'm glad that Aaron has been to Melbourne a lot as I had no clue what I was doing, or where to go. He knew exactly where to go to catch the trams and which one to jump on for different places.

We walked around the city for a couple of hours. I felt like a real country bumpkin being excited by all the things we don't see in Tassie - like policemen on horses in the middle of the city.

Aaron was excited to go to his favourite shop - Rebel Sports. It was huge.

Off the Bourke Street Mall is this awesome alley way which is totally covered in graffitti on both sides. There were heaps of people in there taking photos or videoing every time we walked past. I couldn't help but think how much
Chelsea would love it for her photos!

Stuck in the alley was a sign of someone trying to sell some Pink tickets.

We grabbed some tea and then caught a train up towards the MCG and Rod Laver Arena which is near where our hotel was. It was just a cheap little place, but it was only a couple of blocks from the MCG so it was very handy.

We dumped all our gear before heading off to the concert. The city looked beautiful all lit up.

It was really exciting walking past the MCG on the way. Aaron has been there a lot before, but he was still excited to be there and even more excited to know he will be back there next week with the school footy trip - to watch three games in three days with thirty students and two other teachers.

The supporting act was
Evermore. I've never been a huge fan of them, but like a few of their songs so it was great just seeing them. I had fun stirring Chrish up as he said he liked them, so I would ring him whenever they were playing one of their well known songs.

They played for about 45 minutes, and then while they were setting up for Pink there was a DJ up the front playing different tracks. He was actually really good and played some great songs. When he started playing Michael Jackson songs the crowd really started getting into it - clapping, singing and dancing. It was lots of fun and a great atmosphere as everyone was so happy and excited to see Pink. The camera men started filming different people and it would flash up on the three big screens. It was hilarious watching people see themselves on the screen dancing and then they would get all embarassed or excited and dance even more.

Pink finally came out two hours after the concert was supposed to start! It was sooo exciting. It started off with Pink singing AC/DCs - 'Highway to Hell' without us seeing her and then she came literally flying out of the floor as she was on strings which lifted her in the air! I had heard that she did that a bit through the concert and also saw it on Rove, so thought that was it for the night, but she went back up again, and again and again! She was absolutely incredible! She would sometimes only hold on with one leg or one arm and did so many amazing tricks and flips.

The set was so incredible. It was made to look like a funhouse and had big screens with flashing lights around them and slides.

During the 'Funhouse' song two big blow up clowns came up.

She sang lots of tracks of her new album and also some old favourites too which I was very excited about as I love the songs 'Who Knew', and 'Trouble' which she sang.

She also sang a couple of covers. She did a great job of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody.

Throughout the concert she joked a lot about being put on YouTube and even made reference to her wanting us to put things on YouTube that she wanted certain people to see . Her voice was incredible the whole time. She sounds just as good live as on her albums. It was unreal to think that she was flying around the room a lot of the time and flipping upside down and still singing so well. You wouldn't have even known that she was doing somersaults and singing as she sounded so good. We took our little point and shoot camera so the pictures aren't good quality, but it was lucky as we can video with it. I actually recorded lots of the songs which are so great to watch now to remember how good she was. This video is of the first song of the encore. If you can watch it to the end as the end of it is awesome!!! (sorry about my poor skills on the camera - I was getting a bit excited at times and the camera was going everywhere!).
It was sad when it was all over. Aaron and I both said you could never go to a better concert, and if we had the money we would be back over there again next week in a flash.

We got three and a half hours of broken sleep, before we had to get up to catch the taxi to get to the airport. We arrived just in time for Aaron to get to school in the morning. It was nice flying back into a sunny Tassie day - even though it was a very chilly 5 degrees!

Thanks again Mum for babysitting and letting us have a great night away on our own.