Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Frosty Mornings

We have been having a few frosty mornings lately, but usually by the time the boys get up the frost has gone. This morning it hung around till well after they went to school.

I try to get some washing on the line before I take the boys to school as it takes all day for it to dry, and then if you don't have it off the line by 2 or 3 pm it is damp again. This morning when I put some washing out my fingers were so numb they were hurting! The good thing about frosty mornings though, is that you know the sun will be out all day.

I would actually prefer every winter morning to be frosty and then have a sunny day, rather than just be rainy, windy and grey.

The boys loved all the ice on the van this morning. It was so cold that I threw water over the windows to get rid of the ice, and within a couple of minutes the ice was back again!

I usually hate winter, but am coping okay with this one so far. That's not to say that I'm not looking forward to summer (or even spring!), but it's nice to know we are already almost half way through winter and so far there have been no major illnesses. Touch wood!


  1. looking at those pics makes me shiver! the grass looks great!

  2. brr it was a little cool this morning! Bonny told me it was -2 at 9 morning!!!!! I am like you I can't wait till Spring comes along.


    Love Mum.

  4. Wasn't it freezing - Mum and I nearly got frostbite walking down to gym! I need a Lazy Patch suit!!!

  5. ooohhh! look at that crunchy grass. Cool photos (pardon the pun). It was a little frosty here as well. I can't wait for the warmer weather.

  6. i thought Aaron would have taken that Hawkes sticker off the back of the van by now...Ha ha

  7. Until lunch time today I get getting up and sitting on the heater to warm my bum up, it was SO COLD!!
    Great pics as usual Lisa.

  8. Yep it's been REALLY freeezing lately and looking at these pics makes me feel very cold!!! It also just reminded me I have washing on the line... ba ha ha oops! lucky it's only towels!

  9. hi lisa
    i went and played golf today and had to pick up my friend from westbury at 8.30am and it was only 1 degree then. When i had to tee off at golf all i got was grass and i missed the damn golf ball because i was sooo cold then we warmed up about 1/2 way around the course..i was rugged up to my neck..but i know exactly what you're saying about the frost..my friends car even warned her and when she turned on her engine the car said "beware of frost"..even the car knew how cold it was..

  10. love those pics lisa. it's been cold but i like the fact that in the middle of the day it's been blue skies and sunny.
    hope you're week is better than last and that Noah is happy.

  11. Frost can be beautiful hey!


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