Today is my 34th birthday. I still consider myself young - not like Aaron the oldie who I consider to already be into middle age as he is going to be 36 in December ;) 34 sounds really old, but as everyone says - I really don't feel like I'm 34. Some days I feel like I'm 44 ;)
Chrish flew down for his favourite sister's birthday - well actually, he was coming anyway - but it just ended up being on my birthday. This morning I dragged him to see our friend Marlo (a naturopath) hoping that she may be able to help him feel a lot better. He is seeing her 5 times in the 2 weeks he is down, so most of his holiday will be spent coming into town. I'm sure it will help him though and will be worth all the trips in. It was great to see him again - it never really sees like we have been apart as he is always the same. It is nice that he gets to meet Kobe while he is still tiny.

The boys were very excited to see Chrish - especially as he said he was bringing down his Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games Wii game for them to play while he is down. Harri was hanging out all morning for it and when he saw Chrish his first question was where was the game, and his second question was 'what happened to your hair!?' as Chrish has had his hair cut really short. Chrish asked if he talks all the time like he was, as he couldn't remember him talking so much when we were in Sydney in February. The boys have been playing the game all afternoon.

They were also excited (but not as much as Aaron!) about the Krispy Kreme donuts he got at the airport.

After seeing Marlo, I got to have a little break and left Harri and Kobe with Mum and Dad while I went to have a massage that Aaron booked in for me. It was so nice to just relax for half an hour and be pampered.
Mum and Dad bought KFC for tea which was great as it meant I didn't have to cook. Aaron made me a yummy chocolate cake last night, which Harri was dying to get into all day.

Harri also had to have his turn of blowing out the candles.

At the moment after 4 o'clock is a very unsettled time for Kobe (and also Noah tonight), so it was a bit of a mad house. I think Mum, Dad and Chrish were looking forward to leaving to have some peace! Last night he slept for 5 hours in a row and only had one night feed, so as long as he does from now on I don't really mind an unsettled time (for a little while at least!). I just keep reminding myself that this stage only lasts for a little while and things will settle right down.