The footy excitement has now really kicked into high gear with us taking Jalen and Harri to the first game for the year last night. It's not the official footy season yet, but for the boys going to a NAB cup game is just as exciting. Last night it was the Hawks V Tigers.

The boys were excited to get another badge to add to their collection on their scarves.

Not long after we got into Aurora Stadium the guy and girl who does
'HawksKids TV' came over and asked the boys if they would be interviewed. The guy cracked up laughing when he realised who we were and said he
remembered us being in Melbourne last year and trying to get Harri to answer a question by saying 'Liam Sheils' but Harri just kept saying 'I don't know what to say!!'.

He asked the boys a couple of questions about what they expected this year, and which players they thought would perform well, and then wanted to interview Aaron and I. I was so embarrassed and told them not to video me, but he asked me a question about what I expected from this year anyway. I said that I thought we would have a good year as the 'boys were looking really fit' to which Aaron then jumps in and says 'she especially thinks Luke Hodge is looking fit!' just to embarrass me. I'm hoping that ends up on the cutting room floor!

We ran into one of Aaron's workmates from school, who is a BIG Tigers supporter. They went on the
school footy trip together last year and both love the footy as much as each other.

We had great seats up in the Gunns Stand next to some other
crazy Hawks supporters which was fun. We missed you Kylie and hope your migraine is gone now :(

We were right under the commentary box.

Mum also came with us. She always seems to end up sitting next to drunk old men at the games!! The one next to her was cracking us up as he was a Tigers supporter and was giving it to Mum, even putting his Tigers scarf around her neck at one stage! He became quiet after the first quarter :)

It was a very boring game with the Hawks thrasing the Tigers and winning by 73 points, but there were lots of things to keep us entertained.

Harri gave us some three quarter time entertainment, and was cracking everyone up with his air guitar moves.

In the last quarter (about 10 pm!) he finally started to lose some of that energy and started dozing off.

It didn't last long and he got his second wind just in time for the final siren.

Everyone had a big sing-along to the Hawks theme song - hopefully the first of many times this year :)

After the game we hung around to watch the Hawks come off the field and give out signed footballs to people in the crowd like they always do. We were up the top stand so we thought we would have no hope of getting one. Next thing I know a ball is flying up in the air near me. Aaron starts screaming at me 'get it, get it!!!' like a crazy man and I make a dive for it as it bounces around! I told Mum I marked it and she believed me!

I was very excited about scoring a ball. It was signed by Wayde Skipper who I didn't even know, but I didn't care. As we were walking out I saw another kid who got a ball and asked him if he got it from one of the players and told him how cool it was and showed him mine. He then said 'yeah Buddy gave it to me!!' and he was so excited. Maybe in a few years Wade Skipper will be the next Buddy Franklin! ;)

It was a fun night with the boys and Mum. Thanks Nicki (and Liz) for looking after Noah and Kobe for us. We are looking forward to going to three more games this year as the Hawks are playing three Saturday games in Launceston. Hopefully we will have a better year than last year and get back to our form that we had in 2008 :)