This weekend is our stake conference weekend at church. It started off last night with a bush dance which included floorshows put on by each of the wards. The youth were the main ones involved in the floorshows, but anyone in the ward could be included in them. West Ward sang a song and then did a dance to 'Old Man Emu'.

Sam was a very funny Emu...

Deloraine Ward did some cool boot scootin' moves, to different line dancing songs.

Devonport Ward did a church version of 'High School Musical'.

and our ward (East Ward) did 'Australia though the ages'. It seems like they have been practicing more months at mutual with all the leaders being involved in it at well. They did an awesome job and it was very impressive with very smooth transitions between songs with costume changes and different people involved in each scene.
The first scene was the convict era...

the next scene was to do with the World Wars and was very reverent and sad as the boys walked out carrying one of them on the stretcher...

it was then a beach scene...

then the rock scene with Aaron and the other YM leaders and a couple of the boys being AC/DC... it was very funny.

I think Aaron knows AC/DC just a bit too well.
Emily and the YW leaders then did the pop era with them doing Kylie Minogue's 'Locomotion'. Don't you love the outfits!

then sports...footy and cricket...

and of course Australia isn't Australia without the Wiggles. The YM were very funny...

and the vegemite song...

and the grand finale... the Australian National Anthem...Jimmy Barnes style (or Adam Hills version). Aaron surprised me as to how into it he was...even ripping off his jacket!

All those practices were worth it as they did a great job. The rest of the night was filled with dancing, socialising and eating. Jalen didn't come as he had a sleep over at his friends house, but I know he would've loved the night. Harri loved doing the 'Heel, Toe Polka' with Rohan as he had been learning it at school.

Noah didn't have such a good night and was very congested and pale. Not that you can tell in this pic.

Kobe hadn't slept all day long as we were out all day, but he would've kept going all night if we let him...especially after a piece of cake or two!

Alison came along with us and I was stirring her all night that she had become 'un-Australian' since coming and going from the USA so much, as she couldn't find her akubra hat to wear. She redeemed herself though by getting into the sponge cake :)

It was a great night and nice to have such a great family activity where everyone could be involved.