Today was Pop's funeral at Deloraine and as expected it was huge. We got there early so we could go and view Pop's body one last time before the service. We asked the boys if they wanted to also view the body and they said they did. Jalen was a little bit scared by it and Harri really wasn't worried. Looking at Pop was strange as it just wasn't really him. He wasn't there and his body wasn't the Pop I remembered growing up. He had become so frail in the last few years.
The funeral was lovely with the whole chapel and cultural hall filling up. It was a really special day with the whole family being there - all except for
Penny who is back home in the USA. I believe she was able to watch it live via Skype though. It was so nice to see so many of my cousins who I hadn't seen for a long time. All together Pop and Nan have 29 grandchildren and something like 58 great grandchildren and most of them were there today.
Uncle Chayne and Uncle Howard both spoke about Pop's life and his love for his family, his country, his religion and his work. Pop was always known as a hard worker and he taught that to all of his family. That is why he found it so hard as he got older as his mind still wanted to be busy, but his body wouldn't let him.
I felt sad throughout the day, but also happy for Pop to be free from his frail body. The thing that makes me sad is thinking about Nan and how lonely she will be without him. Pop had arranged his funeral a year or so ago with his children and asked that one grandson from each family was a pall bearer. I was so proud of my cousins and Chrish as they carried Pop out but it really made me cry as I watched them all with tears streaming down their faces.

Lots of people also came to the cemetery for the dedication of the grave. Nan had a few tears today but was taking it very well for most of the day. It was nice for her to have her brother with her.

All the great grandkids were great all day. They were sad about Pop dying, but also understood where he is and that they will see him again.

Dion (the oldest grandchild) wore Pop's medals today. Harri was fascinated by them and was asking why he had them on. I told them they were Pop's medals and he asked if he was going to look after them for Pop until he came back alive again :)

It was nice having Chrish down. I know he wouldn't have wanted to miss it for anything either, despite how hard it is to say goodbye.

After the dedicatory prayer we all threw stems of roses into the grave. Mum had also collected lots of rose petals and put them in baskets for the grandkids to throw in.

Jay and Harri both wrote Pop a letter and threw it on top of the coffin for Pop. Harri's said 'I miss you Pop. I love you, from Harrison'. Jalen's said 'To Pop. I miss you so much. I wish you were still here. How is it up there? We all miss you, especially Nan. I hope you have a good time in Heaven. I love the stories you told. Love from Jalen.

Aaron had been saying to me a lot last week that I look like my Nan and my Dad.
Fiona took this photo for me today and I have to admit that I can see the resemblance. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not!

Nan had a cuddle with Lincoln after the graveside service. It was nice to see her smiling after such a sad week.

All of our family went over to see my brother Daniel's grave afterwards. We were stirring Nicki that she was left off the headstone as she wasn't loved very much (she actually wasn't born when Daniel died).

Back at the chapel lots of people gathered to eat and talk and remember Pop.

On the way home Aaron was telling me how scared he was of Pop when he first met him. Pop gave him a big talking to and told him if he ever 'hurt me' he was going to take him out behind the sheds and punch him in the stomach and make his legs fall off!!'. It makes me laugh as there is no way I could imagine Pop ever doing that, but can imagine him saying it.
No man except one was ever perfect, but to me my Pop was perfect. I couldn't imagine him ever doing anything wrong or ever having an enemy. I have so many wonderful memories of growing up in Dunorlan with all my cousins and Pop and Nan coming down the hill on their landrover to pick us all up. We would jump up on the back and hold on tight as he would take us down to the river for a swim.

My boys loved the stories that Pop told them - like the one we never got tired of hearing, about how he disobeyed his parents and the consequence was that his fingers were chopped off by a machine that he shouldn't have been touching.

Every Anzac Day we loved going out to watch him march down the street of Deloraine looking so proud and emotional. Every year we would joke that this would be the last one, but we never really thought it would happen.

I have been looking at some old photos on my computer and love these ones that I took in February last year just after Nan had he stroke. Pop was always holding her hand and letting her know that he was there.

He used to always joke that at their age you 'have to hold hands or you will kill each other'. We knew that wasn't true at all with Nan and Pop.

I especially love this one of him holding Noah and Nan's hand at the same time.

As we were leaving the chapel today Harri started crying and said 'I miss Pop so much, he is my favourite person'. We didn't see Pop as often as we would've liked but Harri always loved going to visit him and loved that they had the 'same' name.

We love you Pop. We are so proud that you were our grandfather and know how lucky we were. We will miss you so much, but know that you are in a wonderful place right now and know that we will one day see you again. It's still hard to believe that you are really gone, as it was easy to think that you would be with us on earth forever.
We look forward to the time when we will see you again.
The photo of Dion with the medals really tops of the other shots. Pop was an amazing man
ReplyDeleteOk, I thought I was done with crying for today, but after reading your blog with the words and just not pictures, you made me start again. I was coming down for today, no matter the cost, wouldn't have missed it for the world
ReplyDeleteThe photos are heartbreakingly beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI had tears streaming down my face while reading this..
I feel so privileged to have met Harry. I only knew him for two and a half years, but i could see the great spirit he had and amazing person he was. He was such a big example to me when i joined the church, i cant believe what a great missionary he was even at that age!
I am sad for Sheila, but it is comforting to know they will be together again, and that we can see them again. And i can tell him how much he touched my life. He was such a great man.
That was beautiful Lisa, you captured the spirit of Pop and his day where we could say goodbye to him. It doesn't seem real that he has finally left us all. He made you want to be a better person, and he touched so many lives especially ours. He was a true hero and one of life's gentlemen.
ReplyDeleteIt was lovely to see Dion wearing Pop's medals. I have always thought Dion looks a lot like Pop when Pop was a young man.
ANZAC Day is never going to be the same now is it?
When they played the Last Post, that was the end of it for me.
Nan looked so beautiful, and I loved looking at her face when the little kids were throwing the roses and the rose petals into the grave.
I think it made them a little bit happier.
Thanks for the lovely blog.
Love Mum.
Oh, loved it.
ReplyDeleteI think I could have another cry now...
didnt make it to elebrate the life of an amzing man...but i am perhaps glad in a way i didnt...i have just been bawling my eyes out..seeing Dion wearing the medals and Chrish folding the Flag, the kids with the roses and Sheila's beautiful face....
ReplyDeletei love the pics of them holding hands and the last one needs no words..the love is eternal.. Thanks Lisa
What an amazing legacy!
ReplyDeleteLove your pictures Lisa! It's a sad day when people we love die, but at the same time it's so wonderful to know where they are and it's such a happy time as well!! This was a great post.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this post Lisa. I'm crying too but happy at the same time. Sending heaps of love to you all. By the way you should share the scripture Helaman 5:6-7 It came to my mind when reading what you said about Harri liking that he shared the same name with his Pop!
ReplyDeleteI've just read your blog twice and Chrish's a couple of times too and I can't stop the tears. Oh how I wish I had been there. Grateful that I got to listen in via skype though, but it would have been so much better to really be there. The photos are beautiful. I was pretty good listening to the service yesterday, until the end when I realized all the grandson's were walking Pop's coffin out, then the tears started. Pop was such an amazing man. Such a great example. I've often shared stories about him when giving lessons at church. His life was so amazing. I look forward to seeing him again one day.
ReplyDeleteWonderful tribute to your Pop.
ReplyDeleteThat post tops the lot Lisa. It was perfect. xx
ReplyDeleteThis is such a beautiful, touching post Lisa. What a blessing to have had such a wonderful Pop whose influence will obviously live on forever.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you had a great time together with all the extended family today.
such a beautiful tribute to your Pop Lisa, the pictures seemed to capture what a great man he was and the love he had for his family! I love the close up picture of their hands...
ReplyDeletebeautiful Lisa... xox