Saturday, 21 July 2007

I don't get it

I know I'm going to be bagged for this but I just don't get the 'Harry Potter' thing. I have to admit that I have never read a single book and have probably only seen half of the first movie. Everyone tells me to read them and I will get it, but I just can't get into it for some reason.

During the week Aaron kept asking me if I would go into town and pre-order a copy of the new book for him and said it would be cheaper if I pre-paid. I went and did that at Birchalls and found out a day later that other shops were going to be selling them a lot cheaper than what I paid for it! Oh well.

Aaron kept reminding me that after the gym this morning I needed to go and pick up the book on the way home. He wasn't crazy enough to get it at 12.01am this morning. When I got into town I saw at least 10 people carrying the book around and in Birchalls there were smoking couldrons, people walking around in wizard costumes and they were giving away a cake decorated for the launch of the book. I felt like I was a try hard lining up for my book! I did get a special birchalls bag to go with it, I'm telling myself that makes up for the extra money I spent on the silly thing!

Not long after I came home with the book I realised that Aaron was very quiet and I found him in bed reading. Maybe one day I will find the time to sit down and read one of them and maybe then I will get it too.

1 comment:

  1. Well I can kind of get it, if you include my Cussler books that I love. Everyone to their own!! Got a friend who knocked off 320 pages of it yesterday.



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