We always love going out to spend time at Mum and Dad's. It's always so quiet and relaxing out there.

The boys are going to love it even more now that Mum and Dad have bought a couple of four wheel motorbikes. While Chrish was down he helped them go and pick out some bikes, and we got together for a family tea (and a ride!).

The boys were so excited - especially as they bought a little one just for the kids.

It was the perfect size for the boys...and also Mum! :)

Everyone loved having turns riding around the paddock.

I even found myself a hot bikie to ride with!

It was such a nice winters day for it. Luckily we had lots of sun to sit and watch in.

Aaron has never ridden a two wheel motorbike before, so he was really excited when Eden went and got his. He decided to give it a go and was LOVING it.

I actually missed him riding the two wheeler as some of us had to stop having fun and start cooking tea ;) but he came inside very excited saying he was going to buy a motorbike! I don't think so!

While I was inside cooking, these two monkeys were keeping me company. They were cracking me up as they were both trying to get their hands on the food, and whenever I would catch them I would go 'uh, uh, uh!' and they would both copy me.

It won't be long till Eamon is also up at the bench joining them. He didn't seem to stay little very long!

The girls weren't worried about the food, but were having cat fights over the Barbies! Oh it was funny. There were tears and tantrums over who got the Barbie with the pink dress. In the end they all decided to play nicely together. The three girls are best friends, and best enemies at the same time. They play so well, and then the next minute you hear 'you aren't going to be my friend anymore!'.

At one stage I heard the girls playing 'airports' and were talking about going on the plane to Sydney with Uncle Chrish.

Noah slept most of the time, and finally woke up just before we went home.

The kids loved having a story with Grandma before we all went home.

Poor Kobe flaked it on the way home. He was exhausted after all that fresh air in the country! Can't wait to go out and do it again (and yes the little monkey took his arm out of his strap on his chair before falling asleep!).