We just spent a beautiful week away at St Helen's. It was the best year for weather that we have had. Usually we get a few cold, windy, rainy days during the week, but the only rainy day was today which was our last day anyway.
It is lucky that we have our van as we had to take so much stuff with all our bedding etc! It is lucky that Noah is still small enough to fit in his baby car seat.

Harri couldn't remember staying there last year, and was so excited when we arrived at the house. He kept calling it 'Helen's house'. Every time we would pull up to the house he would say 'I wike Helen's house!'.

The house is so close to the bay - with just a house in front of it. You can see the water from inside the house. It is nice to sit and eat tea and look out at the bay through the windows.

Every day we would sleep in, laze around all morning and then at about lunch time we would head to Binalong Bay. It took Jay a few days to finally call it 'Binalong Bay', rather than 'Billabong' Bay. We kept reminding him of the name by telling him to remember 'it's 'been-a-long day' at Binalong Bay'. He finally got it! Harri however kept calling it 'Bing Bong Bay', so we all just ended up saying 'let's go to Bing Bong Bay'.

We would usually spend about three hours at the beach. The boys loved it and would spend their time playing in the waves, collecting shells, digging in the sand, sunbaking, and Jay actually learnt how to body board by himself this time! On the last day he was so excited as he was actually catching waves himself.

The water was very 'fresh', but okay once you got used to it. Most days I would go for a walk to the other end of the beach, and would just sit and enjoy the view and the peace and quiet. By the time I got back I was used to the temperature of the water as I would walk in the waves, and was hot from walking so even I went in!

It was way too cold for Noah to go in, but he enjoyed laying in the tent listening to the sounds.

Mum and Dad came down to spend a night, before they had to go to Hobart the next morning. The boys were so excited to see them and all night Harri kept singing 'Grandma and Grandpa'.

Noah was really happy all night and smiling when Mum would move his legs up and down.

We made the most of having babysitters and took Harri and Jay to the sand dunes that were just up the road from the house. We had never got to go there before (wheelchairs and sand dunes don't mix very well!), so the boys were so excited and had a great time running up and down them.

Some days we would do a few things in town before heading to the beach. We made the most of the library and got a few magazines and books out for the week. While we were there the librarian asked the boys if they would like to come back to their activity session where they were making Superhero costumes. Of course they wanted to, so one afternoon we went back and did that. The boys spent the rest of the week 'flying' around the house with their costumes on.

We also spent a couple of afternoons fishing off the wharf. Harri was excited to use his new fishing rod that he got for Christmas, but after a few casts and no fish, he decided the playground looked more exciting. Aaron caught a couple of fish but they were too small, so we didn't get to eat them for tea :(

It was a great week and nice to be away from everything for a little while. Harri fell asleep on the way home and when we got here he saw our house and said 'what's this house?'. We reminded him it was our house and he burst into tears and said ' I don't want to go to that house!'.

I carried Noah inside and laid him on the floor and told him we were home and Harri then says 'he's not talking to you Mum!'. He cracks me up.