Friday 9 November 2012

Noah's blooming memorial garden

My boys always say funny things which make me laugh.  Last week as we were walking into school Harri said that there were four people at the school who were the hardest workers. He then named the two co-principals, the school cleaner and the groundsman.  I asked him why they were the hardest workers and he said that they had 'the most work to do' and that Mr B the groundsman planted Noah's memorial garden and looks after it which is a big job.   I'm sure the teachers would all argue that they work pretty hard too ;)

Noah's garden is looking so pretty now with everything blooming.   A while ago we noticed that the jasmine that was planted after Aaron passed away was in bloom and was growing up along the arch over Noah's chair.  The jasmine is to represent Aaron as it grows up, as he will be watching over Noah and all of us.

It's strange looking back at old photos of Aaron in Noah's garden with us, and seeing photos of him planting the garden out with us.

The garden is looking so lovely and I love being able to see it at school every day and know that Noah was considered such a special person at the school.


  1. Noah's memorial garden looks so beautiful! Mr. B. did a wonderful job when he planted it and it looks even more beautiful now. He is a good man! What a tender and compassionate reminder of the love others have for both Noah and Aaron. The roses look so exquisite. Glad your boys go to school at such a wonderful, thoughtful place.

  2. Noah's garden is looking amazing. I love the idea of the Jasmine representing Aaron, that is just beautiful.
    I think the flowers in bloom represent their love for you and it is their way of smiling and encouraging you to keep going, giving you strength to put one foot in front of the other.

  3. It is beautiful. Such a lovely representation of your sweet boys watching over you in heaven.


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