I thought
Jalen would be the only actor in the family, but this year Harri decided that he would like to take drama classes with LYTE (Launceston Youth Theatre Ensemble) as well. I was so pleased as I knew how much Jay loved it and was hoping that it would build up Harri's confidence and that he would have lots of fun.
Harri went to his first class very excited but was very quickly in tears as he became nervous about doing something different, with people he didn't know. By the end of his first class though he realised it was going to be a lot of fun and was excited to keep going back.
Third term is when each company puts on a major production. Harri was cast as 'Starkey' in the junior company's production of Peter Pan. He was so excited and has has spent a lot of hours this term practising. In the last week he has had around twelve hours of rehearsal, and over the last three days they have performed five shows.
It was exciting to finally see him in his costume and to see him perform. We had spent a lot of time learning his lines, and at times there were tears because he was so nervous that he would muck it up, but he did an awesome job.
All the kids in the production were amazing and so lovely to each other - helping each other out all the time.
I've become the unofficial 'official' photographer for LYTE which is lots of fun. It's so different taking photos under theatre lights, but it's fun taking different photos to what I usually take.
The show was awesome and it's amazing that kids in grades 2-4 can learn so many lines and perform so well. They were incredible!

It was also fun watching the kids as they got ready for their performance.
Jalen's middle company was performing a show called 'Agatha Rex'. Jay was excited to be cast in one of the main roles, but unfortunately
he was too sick to continue on with it and decided to pull out. He was really disappointed, but was glad to be asked to be part of the back stage crew for the junior company if he was up to it. He was also given the option of playing 'Mr Darling' in Peter Pan but he made a wise decision to not take on too much stress this term, and having a break was definitely what he needed.
He was happy to be feeling much better over the past month or so, and was glad that he could help out and be involved with drama again. He had to help out with moving around the sets between scenes and helping out with keeping the kids quiet backstage, and helping them out with warming up exercises.
Taking some time out before the fourth show
He did a great job and kept saying how hard it was to organise all those kids and keep them under control. He reminded me of Aaron with the way that he would just think of an activity and get everyone involved in it. I think he would be an awesome teacher one day, but at the moment that's not part of his career plans - he would much rather
make video games :)
I was so proud of Harri and it was so fun seeing him up on stage as a pirate. He had some lines which were hard to learn, especially as he didn't really understand what they meant - lines like 'tumble up you ungentlemanly lubbers!'.
During his second show I was told during intermission that he was out the back in tears as he was feeling really sad as he was 'missing Daddy and Noah'. I went out to see him and he was so sad and was crying saying that he was just missing them and wishing they were there. The next day he decided that bringing
his monkey 'Nono' would make him happier, and it did.
Both Jay and Harri had to have two days off school, to do their matinee performances which they didn't mind. They were both glad that they could sleep in a little because they were both so tired from all the rehearsals and shows.
Harri was so excited to have lots of friends, family and teachers come to watch him perform. It was nice to have his cousins there (plus his cousins, cousins :)
I'm hoping that both boys will continue on with drama next year, but right now we are glad to have a little break over the summer holidays.