It's starting to hit me how things are going to change in the next few months. It's going to be really sad as my gym buddies are soon going to be taking a little break, and leaving me on my own at the gym for a while. I know so many other people exercise on their own, or go to the gym on their own, but going to the gym each morning to meet up with my gym buddies is such a nice way to start the day, and it's not going to be the same when they aren't all there with me.
Lisa is going on an exciting adventure with her family for 12 months, and will be living in the USA while Gaz studies at BYU. I'm very excited for them as it's an amazing opportunity, but so sad that Lisa won't be at the gym for 12 months with me. She is lots of fun and makes classes a good laugh with all her jokes and comments about the people who try to steal our back corner or take up our space :)
Simone will be hanging around for a while yet, but no doubt taking a bit of a break when her little man arrives early next year. Looks like she's getting in practice for labour already! Our other gym buddy, Kellie is also about due to have a baby and will be taking a break for at least a little while.

Before things change we are trying to have as much fun as possible at the gym, which isn't hard when we all get together. Our favourite class is by far Body Attack. We love our instructors who not only motivate us to work hard, but also have fun at the same time. A couple of months ago one of the instructors got me up on stage with him during a track which was scary but fun at the same time.

Last week he got me up again, and then for each track after he got someone else up with him. Lisa and Simone did a great job. Lucky I had my iPhone4 to take photos! :)

It's always lots of fun when they have theme classes. Last month was Blue Core, which was a class to raise money for prostate cancer awareness. Everyone was encouraged to dress up in blue, bring a gold coin donation and prizes were given out during the class. It was Aaron's first Core class and he ended up loving it (winning some prizes probably helped) and he was wanting to go back to do more classes.

Yesterday was Pink Core, which was a class to raise money for breast cancer awareness. During the week one of the instructors asked me if I was going to the class and when I said I was, she asked if I minded taking photos instead of participating in class.

I didn't have to think twice and had lots of fun snapping away last night, while everyone else was working hard.

Lots of prizes were given out during the class and Simone ended up winning the first prize of a sports bra!

The second prize was won by Simon, who won a spray tan!!! Can't wait to see him all tanned up! ;)

Because it is a fundraising class, non members are welcome to come along too. It was so much fun having Phebe there with us.

Everyone was encouraged to wear pink, which Aaron had no trouble finding. He loves wearing pink any time. He proudly wore his breast cancer badge that says 'real men wear pink'.

It's great having a family membership at the gym now, as Jalen loves coming along to Spin and Core classes with us.

This pic of Jay was taken by a professional photographer who was also taking photos and donated the major prize of a photoshoot worth $770!

Despite all the fun, we actually do work out (in between the chatting, joking and mucking around). One day this will be us taking classes up on stage -just like our awesome instructors - right girls!? :)

At the end of class the instructors asked who had kids at home under the age of 3. Phebe and Jalen put up their hands and were thrown some pink soft toys to take home for Eden and Kobe.

They were very excited about the toys, when we picked them up from the child care.

At the end of class the instructors gave me a beautiful box of flowers for taking the photos during class.

I would've loved taking photos even if they didn't ask me to, but it was a lovely surprise to get flowers and they do looks really lovely in my new kitchen. I've been spoiled with having fresh flowers in our new house since we moved in - I feel like I should have them all the time now!

I will have to make the most of the next two months or so, before things start changing. I told Lisa today that hopefully I'll get super skinny when she has gone and Kellie and Simone are having a break with their babies, as I'll still go to the gym every day, but will just work extra hard as I'll have no one distracting me during class :)