Today we celebrated Dad and Noah's birthday early. Their birthday is really next Tuesday - yes, they do have the same birthday! Dad will be 55 and Noah will be 6. We weren't really sure what we were going to do as we really wanted to go swimming as it is something Noah really enjoys, but we couldn't find a pool that is warm enough for him. Lucky for us it was a beautiful sunny winters day - warm enough at least to go outside for a couple of hours (once the frost defrosted!)
We went to Punchbowl park for a BBQ lunch and enjoyed the sun. Harri and Jay had a great time feeding the ducks bread, kicking the soccer ball around with Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Jared, and playing on the equipment.

Noah was really happy to be outside and was smiling a lot which was nice. He was also awake all day which is always a bonus! Lately he has been really well and awake for most of the day.

I was VERY excited as I had just bought a new digital camera this morning. I have no idea how to use it yet, but had a lot of fun running around snapping photos all day. Dad kept saying I was the 'pat-er-art-si' - he had no idea how to say paparazzi, and he kept asking me if I had watched the documentary of Harry and William - Princess Diana's sons. Hopefully he wasn't comparing me to the paparazzi involved with that!

Jalen was very excited as he scored our old digital camera so he also went around snapping photos all day. On the way home we had to stop across the road from his school so he could take a photo of his school sign! The things that excite us!

Once it started to get cold at the park we came home and we had to have at least have one party game before we had dessert. We played good old pass the parcel. Throughout the game Jalen kept hinting that he had
never won pass the parcel before and we laughed as we knew he was hoping that Aaron would rig it so he could win. Harrison had a great time, until he realised that he couldn't unwrap the parcel each time but had to wait to see if the music stopped on him!
Unfortunately Noah did not win (he likes to share edible things with his Mum and Dad - he is such a good boy!), but Jalen did! He was pumped. Aaron swears that he didn't rig it, but maybe deep down he was hoping that Jalen would share the chocolate that he won.

For dessert Aaron made some cute little cupcakes (thanks Toni for the idea!) and we had yummy cheesecake and cakes from The Cheesecake Shop as well as chocolate ripple cake (yum!). I think we will be eating them for the next week and I will be going to the gym for a couple of extra sessions!

It was great to have everyone together again. We miss Jared and Becky now that they are back down South and don't see Alex and Nicki enough either - even though they aren't as far away now. We need to get together more often.

The noise level is definately getting a lot louder now that there are a lot more grandkids in the family. We missed Chrish, Eden, Steph and Chloe, although I can pretty much safely say that they would not have missed Alex's singing on Singstar!! It sounded like someone dying. Lucky for him he wasn't being serious or we would have been very worried.