Wednesday 11 November 2009

The Way You Make Me Feel

Last week Alma (our Step class instructor at our very cool gym) asked us if we had any requests for this week's class. Sarah said she loved the track 'the way you make me feel' that we had done before. At the beginning of class we noticed Alma had an extra step up on the stage, and thought she must've been doing some funky track where you got to use two steps.

She told Sarah at the beginning of class that track six was her request, so we were waiting for it. Just before the track started she moved her step closer to her other one and asked us if we noticed the extra step. We said we did and she then motioned to Sarah to go up to the front with her as she was going to be doing the track with her on the stage up the front!! I couldn't stop laughing.

Sarah went up and said straight away 'you had better not have your camera', and luckily I did have a camera as I always have my mobile phone with me in case I get a phone call from school about Noah. She did a great job - even putting a few little hip shimmys in here and there with the 'cha cha cha' move which cracked us up.

We now know to never request a track ;)

BTW Sarah - you made me feel hot and sweaty!


  1. That is AWESOME!!! I can NOT stop laughing at that! I WISH i was at step today!!!! Go Sarah! =P

  2. What a beautiful Lorna Jane top Sarah is wearing :) I SO wish I could have been there...

  3. PS - Thankyou once again for capturing a priceless moment in the life of Sarah! Hee hee hee... love technology!

  4. You are welcome Kristy, although I think Sarah said I was 'dead meat' and I would be 'laughing on the other side of my face'.....not very nice things for a stake YW president to say to her counselor hey!!!? :)

  5. Oh my, that was awful, funningly awful!!! Thanks for warning the rest of us then.

  6. enough reason to stay away from step i think....
    maybe i could alma for a repeat performance next week..

  7. it was bad enough the first time without a repeat performance TRUST ME!! Lisa is going to PAY for putting this on her blog... AND FACEBOOK. It will be a slow and painful vengance.

  8. Hahahaha- Hey Sarah, what is it you said to me the other day about Alma? "How come she gives YOU special treatment? She NEVER gives me any!"
    You got what you asked for =)

  9. Ha ha ha that is classic! So what you guys not going to make any more request then! Would have loved to see Sarah up the front doing the shimmy!

  10. You are such a hoot Lisa, you don't miss a trick! Go Sarah!


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