I'm lucky enough to be one of the support workers and can pick and choose which shifts I would like to work. I only do a couple a week, so it doesn't cut into our holidays too much, but I love doing as it's a lot of fun, and you get to meet lots of great kids and families (and also hard kids and families). Whenever I work I always come home and appreciate my own boys so much more. We are really blessed to have such good boys. No kids are perfect and we get frustrated with them at times, but really they are good boys, and I realise that more and more when I work with (some) other kids.
This week I've already worked a couple of shifts. Yesterday was lots of fun as we went out sailing on the Tamar. It's fun watching the kids faces as they are out on the water.
I was on a yacht with two families - one boy with autism and one with Downs Syndrome. The boy with autism was over it after the first five minutes and kept saying 'can I tell you something, I'm feeling very tired' (meaning - get me off this boat and take me back home!!). The boy with Downs Syndrome just wanted to blow the whistle on his life jacket the whole time, which was funny as we told him we were racing the other yacht, so he would blow it as we got close to them.
Today I didn't work, but we participated in the program as a family by going to the Bike Centre (except Jay who was with a friend).

Kobe tried out his bike with the pedals for the first time and did really well.
The only thing was that he was super slow, so we were forever waiting for him to catch up.
After a while he decided it was too hot to keep going on the bike and had more fun playing in the playground.
I'm not sure who had more fun...Kobe or Aaron!?
Tomorrow we are going ten pin bowling, so hopefully I'll whip everyone's butts and put Aaron back in his box as he's still bragging about his win last school holidays! :)
liking Aaron's holiday scruff! Dave has permanent scruff on his face!
ReplyDeleteI heard he LOST! Does that mean you WON? :) I LOVE that smile on Kobe's face. He's got such an infectious one.