It only seems like it has been a couple of years since Jay started Uni, so it's hard to believe that he's just graduated with a Bachelor of Media specialising in Screen. I still remember clearly the day that we dropped him off at Christ College (his Uni accommodation). I was trying to be brave for him, but there were tears from all of us as we drove home and left him in Hobart.
During his first year he came home pretty much every weekend. He stuck to himself and didn't socialise at all and didn't get to know anyone down there.
Over the last two years he stayed down in Hobart a lot more, and we only saw him every couple of months. He made so many friends over the last couple of years, and has been having the time of his life. I didn't mind that we only saw him every couple of months as I knew he was happy.
This year he's been the Communications Officer at Christ College and has been busy running Christ's social media pages, and helping to organise and promote events.
In November we went to Hobart to help Jay bring all of his things home, as he had finished his degree.
A couple of weeks ago was Jalen's Uni graduation. It was a bit of a saga because they changed the time from 1pm to 8 am and we could only get two tickets to it. Kobe was disappointed he couldn't be there in person, but booked a night in the hotel where the graduation was, so he stayed in bed and watched the live stream.
I did tell Kobe and it would only be 30 seconds of excitement seeing Jay walk across the stage and then it would be like a very long, boring school assembly.
Jay was actually one of the first ones to get up.
As Kobe was just upstairs in the hotel room, he was able to meet us straight after. Jay got his certificate framed straight away, and then we took lots of photos before going out for brunch.

These guys always have to be clowns, before I can get a decent photo of them.
I can't believe that I have a son who has a Uni degree! I'm so proud of him and hope he can find work doing something he loves very soon. He would love to do something in video editing, social media or advertising. As it was only a 3 year course he's decided he's going to do a Masters in Marketing next year and will move back to Hobart with 3 of his friends who were at Christ College with him. I'm happy for him to be back in Hobart next year, they just have the *little issue of finding a four bedroom rental. If anyone in Hobart knows of anything, please let us know. They would be awesome tenants.