I actually had a chat with David Archuleta about that exact thing after the event was over on Saturday. He asked me how I was going now it was all over, and I said that I was so stressed and nervous leading up to my presentation, but then how I was so sad it was all over, and wished I could do it all over again.
I said I felt like I needed to have something else to look forward to because it's hard to go back to reality, and he said how life is like that - always ups and downs. I made a comment that his life just seems like it's all ups, because he must always have something exciting coming up. He was very wise though and said that even though he does always have a concert or performance somewhere and lots of 'exciting' things happening, that he has learned that those things aren't the things that make him happy. That it's his family and faith that really give him true happiness.
I was excited to see that someone had recorded all of his songs and him speaking from the event in Sydney, and had put them up on YouTube. The quality of the video isn't great, but it's so fun to reminisce and have a record of my time up on the stage with the other amazing presenters. It's also funny seeing my friend Simone's head in the video all the time as she was in front of whoever recorded it.
I love his song 'Glorious' and hardly even listened to it while we were backstage, as we were waiting to come on and I was just so nervous, so it's fun to listen to it again. I laughed when I spotted myself in the video waving at my friend Alyson, who had come over from the USA, and love Brad Wilcox hugging me. He was so kind to me all day.
This song 'Angel' was sung just after I spoke - talk about a tear jerker! The boys were excited to hear him say my name as he spoke after the song about how what people go through.
I knew that David was well known in the USA, but I don't think I realised how big until I saw how many followers he has on Instagram, and have now seen all the fan sights popping up posting pics from his time in Sydney. The World Wide Web is such a crazy thing. These two websites included pics and videos that I had taken and posted online - here and here.
Below is the script for my talk. I was only given a short time to speak (thank goodness!) but it was hard to fit everything in that I felt like I needed to say. Hopefully I will be able to get a copy of it on video soon.
Because I had to send them the script and I knew that the AV guys were following the script (to put the photos up on the big screens at the right time) I was so stressed about having to learn my talk so I didn't go off script. I couldn't really ad lib as they were following along and I had a countdown clock in front of me, letting me know how much time I had left. I had cue cards to keep me on track, but I really wanted to stick as close to the script as much as possible. I recorded my talk and listened to it over and over and over again. Let's just say I'm VERY sick of hearing my talk!
My Living Proof
Even though I live it every day I still can’t believe what has happened over the last few years.
had no doubt that things were how they were meant to be, and that this was
always meant to be Noah’s coffin. It really didn’t matter if Noah’s
coffin was white, but it was living proof to us, of God’s love at the hardest
time in our lives.

I said I felt like I needed to have something else to look forward to because it's hard to go back to reality, and he said how life is like that - always ups and downs. I made a comment that his life just seems like it's all ups, because he must always have something exciting coming up. He was very wise though and said that even though he does always have a concert or performance somewhere and lots of 'exciting' things happening, that he has learned that those things aren't the things that make him happy. That it's his family and faith that really give him true happiness.
I was excited to see that someone had recorded all of his songs and him speaking from the event in Sydney, and had put them up on YouTube. The quality of the video isn't great, but it's so fun to reminisce and have a record of my time up on the stage with the other amazing presenters. It's also funny seeing my friend Simone's head in the video all the time as she was in front of whoever recorded it.
I love his song 'Glorious' and hardly even listened to it while we were backstage, as we were waiting to come on and I was just so nervous, so it's fun to listen to it again. I laughed when I spotted myself in the video waving at my friend Alyson, who had come over from the USA, and love Brad Wilcox hugging me. He was so kind to me all day.
Below is the script for my talk. I was only given a short time to speak (thank goodness!) but it was hard to fit everything in that I felt like I needed to say. Hopefully I will be able to get a copy of it on video soon.
Because I had to send them the script and I knew that the AV guys were following the script (to put the photos up on the big screens at the right time) I was so stressed about having to learn my talk so I didn't go off script. I couldn't really ad lib as they were following along and I had a countdown clock in front of me, letting me know how much time I had left. I had cue cards to keep me on track, but I really wanted to stick as close to the script as much as possible. I recorded my talk and listened to it over and over and over again. Let's just say I'm VERY sick of hearing my talk!
My Living Proof
Even though I live it every day I still can’t believe what has happened over the last few years.
Noah was diagnosed we thought that it was going to be our big trial in our
lives, and I never imagined that things could get harder. So when
Aaron passed away three and a half months after Noah, I had so many questions
which I just had no answers for. Why was Noah born disabled? Why
would Heavenly Father only send him for a short time? Why did Aaron have to die
as well? Why couldn’t he stay just a few years longer? Why did he have to
go so soon after Noah? Why us?
tell my boys that it’s okay to have questions, and to say it’s not fair,
because it really isn’t! How can it be fair that they have lost their brother
and Dad when they were 12, 7 and 3?
don’t understand it, but I have tried to teach my boys that even though it’s
okay to be upset about what has happened, we can’t change anything, and
dwelling on ‘why’ things have happened, just makes things so much harder.
I’ve found that the only way that I have been able to cope over the last four
years is to focus my energy on the things that I can change, as there is so
much that I can’t change.
boys still ask me these questions regularly, and I tell them that I don’t have
the answers but we just need to have faith that things are how they should
be. It’s so easy to have faith when everything is going okay in your
life. But faith isn’t for the easy times. It’s for the times when you
don’t understand why. I don’t have
the answers but I do know that Heavenly Father is in control and HE
knows what He is doing, even if we don’t like it.
often had someone say to me ‘isn’t it great that we know that families are
forever’. It is wonderful, but as great as it is– it doesn’t
stop the sadness and overwhelming grief and loss that you experience when
someone you love is no longer here. And sometimes you just
don’t want to hear how great it is that families are forever or that they’re in
a ‘better place’ or things are ‘meant to be’. Sometimes you just want
someone to listen, and to acknowledge that what you are going through isn’t
to be honest it’s not always the thought of ‘families are forever’ that gets me
through each day, because when you are missing someone so much, the days are
long without them and the nights are even longer, and forever just seems too
far away.
gets me through every day without Noah and Aaron is the Living Proof that
Heavenly Father is aware of us, that he knows what we are going through, and
the love that he shows to us.
really believe that he’s trying to compensate for the things which he has
temporarily taken away from us, because even though we are going through the
hardest trial, we have also had so many blessings.
we have to really look for the blessings, especially if we are having a really
hard day, but we can’t deny that we are blessed beyond what we feel we
Aaron and I went to the funeral home to plan Noah’s funeral, we decided that we
wanted him to have a white coffin. The lady at the funeral home told us
they don’t have white coffins, but that they could paint one of the other
coffins for an extra charge. She also told us that there were no
children’s coffins ready and that Noah would have to have an adult size
coffin. At the time we were disappointed, but we knew it really didn’t
matter and went into a room to choose which coffin he would have. Just after we went into the room, the lady
came back in and told us that in the workshop the men were actually just
finishing off a child sized white coffin!

love a General Conference talk given by Elder Ronald A Rasband in April 2012,
which was titled ‘Special lessons’. He said ‘If you come upon a person who is drowning, would you ask if they need
help—or would
it be better to just jump in and save them from the deepening waters?’
someone says to me ‘let me know if I can help’ I can guarantee they won’t hear
from me, because I am too independent and I will never ask for help, and most
of the time I don’t even know what people can do to help us.
since Noah and Aaron have passed away, so many people have just jumped in to save
us from drowning. There have been so many things that people have done
for us. Some things have been huge, such as a stranger who
has since become a great friend, who started a fund raising campaign to help us
before Noah and Aaron passed away we moved into a new home which we had just
built. The landscaping hadn’t been
finished so one of Aaron’s cousin organised a group of 16 professional
landscapers to finish off the landscaping for us in one day.
things people have done for us have been smaller, but have meant just as much
to us, as the bigger things.
friend often texts me to see how my day is going and has left a note
on my car while I was at work, just to let me know they were thinking about me.
friends have sent me flowers every Valentine’s Day since Aaron passed away, because
they know it’s an extra hard day for me now, and that same friend sends me
cards all the time, for no particular reason at all.
friends in our ward who are great gardeners have built us some us garden beds,
and others helped us plant our veggies for the summer.
my first birthday after Aaron passed away, I had friends turn up on my doorstep
at 7 o’clock in the morning, dressed as chefs and waiters, ready to cook us
breakfast, complete with special menus for the table. They helped me to
not only get through the day, but to have some fun and be able to actually
laugh, on a day I was absolutely dreading.
friends have brightened some of our hardest days, by letting us know that Aaron
and Noah aren’t forgotten as we celebrate their birthdays together.
are so many things that people have done for us, and I would need so much more
time to share them all with you. All of these things that people have
done, has let us know that we are loved and has reminded us that we are not
alone in our trial.
had so many people say things to me like ‘I shouldn’t complain to you after
what you’ve been through’. But just
because we are going through a huge trial, doesn’t mean that what they’re going
through is any less.
there’s one thing that I have learned from what we have been through, is that it
doesn’t matter what someone is going through – everyone needs to know they are
loved and aren’t alone in their trial. There doesn’t have to be a death
in the family, for someone to feel like they’re going to drown.
18 months ago our friend’s baby girl passed away suddenly. I went
to visit them, and didn’t really know what to say, but just wanted them to know
that I was there to listen. The husband said that he felt bad
because when Aaron passed away he was overseas. When he got back he
expected everyone to be hugging me and for people to be talking to me about
what had happened, but he got to church and was surprised because it he felt
like everyone was just acting like nothing had happened. He then said he
wanted to hug me, but felt like he shouldn’t because no one else was.
I went to visit them after their baby passed away he said he now understood how
hard it must’ve been for me and said ‘everyone needs hugs’. Now whenever
we see each other, we make sure we give each other a hug.
everyone is a hugger, but everyone needs to know that they’re not alone when
they’re going through a tough time - even if it seems like they’re okay. It’s
a very lonely road when you feel like everyone is getting on with life, when
yours is falling apart.
it’s easier to say that you’re okay, because some people aren’t sure what to do
if you aren’t okay. But I now know that
you don’t have to say anything. Just a
listening ear is often the thing that someone needs the most.
have also learnt that even if it looks like someone is floating, they may
actually just be a few seconds from drowning. Waves can come when you
least expect them, even years later.

often have people say to me ‘I don’t know how you do it’, but I have not done
it on my own. The love and service that others have shown to us over the
last four years, and the comfort of the Holy Ghost has been LIVING PROOF of God’s love, and has given me the
strength to keep going, even when I felt like I was about to drown.
hope as you’ve listened today, that the name of at least ONE person has come to
your mind who is in need God’s love in their life right now, and I pray that
you can reach out to them and be that LIVING PROOF because I know without a
doubt that small and simple things can give someone the strength to keep going
and not give up, no matter what they are going through. I’m so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ, who
has made it possible for us to be together as a family again, and I am so looking
forward to that day.
Hi Lisa, I am Konnie's friend and have followed your blog for a while. I was there at TOFW with my daughter. I came up to say hello but you had a long line waiting for you :) Thanks for sharing your story with us.
ReplyDeleteI had a line?!?! :) I saw a few people hanging around to talk but didn't realise that people didn't get a chance to say that wanted to. That's crazy and so nice. Thanks for wanting to say hi and sorry I didn't get to chat. Wish I could meet everyone to say thanks for all the love and support xxxx
DeleteBeautiful post Lisa. I love how real you are and how you share your feelings. This post touched me and I agree that you never know what someone is going through and that everyone needs a hug. Thank you for giving me food for thought today. I will indeed be thinking of someone that could use a hug or that I can reach out to. We are all in this together.