Saturday, 7 April 2018

Better than Six Years Ago

This is the second video that Jalen made last year, for his photography assignment.  His idea was to have photos and videos to show that most people look okay on the outside, but there is often something very hard going on in their life. 

This video is a very short version of my story (I've only watched it once as I hate hearing my voice and seeing myself on screen!).  

You can see his first video here, which was his story.  


  1. Inspirational Lisa. Your 3 cool kids are testament to your strength. You even got a dog! Whooop whoop. You are a.m.a.z.i.n.g. I am sure your empathy makes you a fabulous teacher.

  2. So guys rock.

  3. I'm so glad you shared this. And great work, Jalen.


We are so grateful for everyone's love and support, and appreciate your comments xoxo

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