When we went to Sydney last summer it was so hot, it was unbearable at times. I was hoping it wasn't going to be bad this year, and although it was hot out west (where Chrish lives) it wasn't as hot as last time, with only a couple of days that were really hot (39 degrees celcius). It was awesome that Chrish had ducted air conditioning this year and it helped so much. It was nice to be able to sleep well at night and to know we could cool down when we got home.
We packed a lot into the nine days, but also had lots of sleep ins before heading out for the day. Before Mum came up we went to watch a game of Big Bash Cricket at the Sydney Cricket Ground. Before the match we went to Bondi Beach for a quick swim and look at the art on the walls near the beach.

Jalen wasn't keen on coming to the cricket at all, but if he didn't come he would've just been at Chrish's all day on his own. He's been loving making his own videos again, and for Christmas he asked for a on camera microphone, so he took that to Sydney with him and he decided to make the most of it and did lots of filming at the game.

It ended up being an awesome game and Jay even admitted that he had fun. People brought in beach balls which were being hit around the crowd.

He was cracking up everyone around us, as he was trying to start a Mexican wave with Harri and Kobe. They would yell '3, 2, 1 Mexican Wave' and would start it off. The people sitting in our section would join in, but it would stop at the next section and everyone would boo. Eventually a Mexican wave started in another section and it went right around the ground heaps of times.
There were two young kids sitting behind us, and they were loving Jay and all the fun he was having. At the end of the game they gave him a high five and kept chatting to him on the way out.
On the way home from the cricket, Chrish took us for a scenic tour of Sydney. He drove over the Harbour Bridge and then we parked and enjoyed the amazing night views of the city (lots of my photos are taken by Chrish as I was only using my phone to take pics).

We all love the singer Sam Smith (especially Harri) and knew that he was in Sydney while we were there. There were no tickets available for his concert at the Opera House, but we thought we may be able to see him in person if he was doing an appearance on Sunrise (a morning talk show). I went to the Sunrise Facebook page and it didn't say anything about him, but it did say that Will Smith was going to be on the show in a couple of days, and that he wanted to meet his fans.
We were so excited and I asked the boys if they wanted to get up early to catch the train to the city, to see if we could get close enough to see him. They all said they were keen so we got up at 4:45 am (!!) to catch the train. We arrived at Sunrise about 6:30 am and were just two or three people behind the barriers. He came outside just after 7:15 am so we didn't have to wait too long for a lot of excitement. He was so lovely and friendly and really funny. He was taking time to take selfies and sign autographs and talk to the crowd. We were so close to him and it was very exciting to see him in person.

After meeting the crowd, he went into the studio to be interviewed. They opened the barrier to let the crowd go onto the red carpet, as they were doing a cross to some guys from the audience who had some questions for Will Smith. We were very lucky to get the perfect position behind where they were interviewing. We could look right into the studio and could see the interview happening.
Because we were right behind the cameras I rang Mum (who was still in Tassie) to turn on Sunrise as I hoped she would be able to spot us. This pic that Chrish took cracks me up, as it looks like I'm on the phone to my agent or someone.
It was such a fun morning, and was definitely worth getting up so early for. The funny thing was that Sam Smith was actually at Sunrise a few days later, but we couldn't be bothered doing it again. We like Sam Smith, but we thought it was cooler to see Will Smith in real life (and Aaron who was a massive Fresh Prince fan would've been beside himself!).

Before we caught the train back we went to Circular Quay.

We all had a 'nanna nap' when we got back to Chrish's and that afternoon we went to the Blue Mountains for a hike to Empress Falls.

I know I'm overweight and unfit, but man it was a tough hike! It was steep steps the whole way down, and then we had to walk all the way back up them (and it was very hot). When we got back to the start I noticed on the sign that it said it was a difficult hike, and I think only having sandals to wear, made it harder. It was a beautiful place though, and the falls were beautiful.
On the way back we stopped for a slurpee at 7eleven (which Aaron also loved, so we always make sure we get one when we are on the mainland).
One day we drove into the city to do some shopping, and went to park in a multi story car park. We didn't realise that it was one that had valet parking (and was even cheaper than a car park we parked at before this one). We felt very posh, especially when we saw all the amazing cars that were parked in there!

Mum kept seeing what we were up to, and told us to not have too much fun without her. When she arrived we told her the fun could finally start! We hadn't been to Luna Park since before Aaron died and the boys couldn't remember much about it (Kobe was tiny when we went last time) and Mum had never been, so we decided it was time to go back. We had the best day, and it was our favourite thing that we did this trip.

I think the best thing is that the boys are all old enough (and mostly brave enough) to go on all the big rides now. We had to talk Kobe into a couple of them, but it was so fun to all be able to go on the rides together. Chrish and Jay were the only ones brave enough to go on this one.

Poor Harri tipped onto his side on one of these slides and got a big 'burn' on his shoulder which made him pretty miserable the rest of the day as it hurt a lot, and he his shoulder had raw skin on it.

Harri avoids the really big rides, so I was shocked when suddenly he decided to go on this one.

Harri's face when they hit the bottom was hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing as he was just in total shock and just sat there staring at Jay and not able to speak.

My favourite thing was Mystery Manor. It was like a haunted house which you walked through, and live zombie like people would come out at you, follow you around (without saying a word) and there was lots of banging and things happening as you walked through. It was terrifying and awesome at the same time. There was lots of screaming and we couldn't wait to do it again. It was only for people 12 and over and Harri wasn't keen on giving it a go, so he stayed out with Kobe.
The butler welcomed you in, and gave us some information at the beginning about what we may see in the house.
These videos crack me up, as Mum keeps saying 'you go!' and kept pushing me ahead of her.
The water was beautiful (a lot warmer than it was at Bondi) and we had a great time jumping in the waves between the flags.

There's always lots to see at Circular Quay and around the harbour.

We had lots of fun watching some of the street shows.

We got Wet n Wild season passes again and went about four times, just for a few hours each time. Because we have been there quite a bit now, and it's so close to Chrish's house, we don't stress too much about fitting in lots of rides. We would usually go on one big ride each time, go on the racers a few times (as we love it and the line was always short), a couple of smaller rides and would then spend time floating around Dinosaur Lagoon or in the wave pool.

The night before we left Chrish took us to Aqua Golf which we hadn't done before, and was lots of fun. We each got a bucket of golf balls (which float on the water) and got to hit them, trying to hit targets in the water. Let's just say we aren't golfers!

Usually Jay is the only one who will ride on Chrish's bike with him, but this year we all had a go. I was so nervous about the boys going and also going on it myself, but he was very safe.
We had a lovely nine days with Chrish and it was great as he had the week off work this year, so we got to spend lots of time with him. I'm sure after nine days of racing around, noise and sleeping on his couch he was ready for some peace and space. Thanks for having us Chrish and for running us everywhere. We love spending time with you. Thanks so much to my friend Alice who looked after Milly and Josie while we were away.
I made a video of our trip, using the 1 Second Everyday app. I love having such an easy way to have so many memories in a quick video. I'm looking forward to seeing Jay's video he's still editing of our trip and will post that when he's done.