You know it's summer holidays when your car is full of sand and you know it's not worth cleaning because it's going to be full of sand all summer.
You know it's summer holidays when you check how many steps you've done on your fitbit, and it's gone back to 0 because it's past midnight!
You know it's summer holidays when you have no where to go, but can go anywhere you want.
You know it's summer holidays when the clothesline is full of bathers and towels every day.
You know it's summer holidays when you run into old friends (almost family!) who you haven't been able to see for ages because life is so busy. It was so lovely to run into Di (one of Noah's carers/teacher aide/second Mum).
You know it's summer holidays when you are picking goodies from our garden every morning.
You know it's summer holidays when it's 6.30 pm and you're still out playing and enjoying the sunshine and you haven't even thought about what's for tea yet.
You know it's summer holidays when you get to watch live cricket but it's your favourite footy team playing! We loved the Ricky Ponting match where Hawthorn played the Kangaroos in cricket. So many laughs.
Kobe with his hero - Jack Gunston.
You know that school is back when I haven't done a blog post for 3 weeks! It's crazy how life can be so relaxed one minute and then how busy it can be the next. As busy and tiring as it is, I'm so happy to have full time work again at the same school I was at, at the end of last year. I love working there and it's so busy as an EAL (English as an Additional Language) teacher because almost a quarter of the school are from an EAL background, so there's always lots to do. I would love a day off, but I also love and need the work so I'm grateful for full time work and I'll take it while it's there. The boy's sports are just about to start up again so life is just going to get busier, but I cope by knowing that it's just 10 weeks each term and then we get a couple of weeks to catch up before it starts all over again. Until then I'll just keep reminding myself that the next holidays will hopefully be here before we know it.