I'm glad that the boys look forward to Christmas still, as it helps me to get out and do things with them, to try to not let the sadness overwhelm me at this time of the year. The Christmas parade started it all off at the end of November.

Jay had to work when the parade was on, so he wasn't with us.
We put up our tree the next day, as Kobe was begging me to get it up and I knew we wouldn't get it up for another week if we didn't do it then. It made his day and he is always excited to put the star up, as he's the youngest.
We also went to the Carols by Candlelight and Erin came along with us.

On Christmas Eve we always have a picnic on the floor in the lounge room and watch a Christmas movie or show on TV. This year we watched 'Shrek the Halls' and decided we are going to watch it every year as it's quick (which means I can get on with getting ready for Christmas Day) and hilarious.
Kobe is still very excited about Santa. He keeps saying he thinks it may be parents who bring the presents, and if it is his 'childhood is going to be ruined, and he's going to be sad and mad'. I'm sure Santa enjoyed the chocolate and milk that he left for him.
Harri was the first one awake on Christmas morning. He said he woke up about 5am, but waited until 6.30am to wake the rest of us up. The boys were very excited about their presents and then we had waffles for breakfast, thanks to a waffle maker that Kobe requested for one of his presents.
At lunch time we drove out to my Mum's. I love this time of the year when the poppies are all coming out.
This year was a very quiet Christmas for us as my brothers were all away at their in laws for Christmas and Chrish stayed in Sydney. My sister Nicki and her family were actually in Tasmania for Christmas Day (from the USA) but they were also with her in laws. So it was just Mum and us celebrating Christmas Day together. Mum had a busy morning, and had Christmas breakfast with my cousins and Aunty and Uncle.
It was nice to head down to the beach in the afternoon. The weather was beautiful. Harri and Kobe played cricket with some of my cousin's kids and husbands, while Mum and I enjoyed chatting in the sun with my cousins.
It was so hot, but the water was so cold! I can't be anywhere near water without getting in, even if it is cold, so I jumped in really quickly before we left (and screamed like my Nan used to as it was freezing!).
On Boxing Day my sister Nicki and her family came up from Hobart. We haven't seen them for about two years, and they've almost been living in Illinois in the USA for two years. It was so good to see them, and their kids have grown up so much.
After lunch we headed down to the beach, and also met up with my cousin Konnie and her husband Colin and their kids, who were down from Queensland for Christmas and a holiday. Konnie and her sister Lanai were so kind to us when Aaron passed away and organised so many special things for us, through businesses when we went on a special holiday to Queensland. It made our holiday so special, and I'll never forget how much it helped us as it made us forget how hard things were, just for a little while.
The weather on Boxing Day was beautiful again, and I couldn't resist getting into the freezing water just for a quick dip.
Kobe loved having his cousins to play with. It can get very boring for him at home since Jay and Harri are so much older than him.
While they were playing basketball, the rest of us had dessert back at Mum's house.
Ty dropped Harri home and stayed for dessert and to watch the Big Bash cricket on TV with Harri. He kept joking with Haz how it was their 'date night' as they both love watching sport. Harri loved watching it with someone who appreciates sport as much as him.
Ty is also hilarious, so Harri loves hanging with him. He wishes that he lives closer, so they can have more 'date nights'. It's so nice for the boys when they have older guys around, as they're always with their boring Mum.
Thanks to Erin who took our Christmas card photo this year. I'm glad that Christmas is over, as now we can really enjoy summer. There's lots of anniversaries coming up in the next month, but it's much easier to deal with them as it's summer and my favourite time of the year, and I'm really needing a rest after working full time for the whole year.