Thursday, 30 December 2010

Space for our Monkey

Our new house is finally starting to feel like a real home.  It's nice being able to do things that we really want to do like put certain things up on the walls, or just sort things out and put them in certain spots, knowing that it is our house for as long as we want and no one can tell us that we need to move.

The thing I love the most is having more space.  More space for the boys to have their own room, and more space in our bedroom so that Noah can fit in easily.  I love having him in our room, without feeling like his things are taking up all the space in our room. 

At our old house we used his 'Little Room' for a few years, but once Kobe was born the house just seemed so much smaller and we ended up putting it away as we just needed more space.  It's so nice having it out again and being able to be used, especially now it's summer holidays as it gives Noah something to do when we are home.

I love seeing his eyes light up when he is in there, looking at all his lights and hearing all the sounds.

It's worth the effort to get him in there, to know that he is being stimulated and enjoying something that he can do on his own.


  1. WOW!! Lisa what a great idea!! ;0)

  2. You need a sort of sliding platform to lie him on so you can get him out easier. Love Mum.

  3. that is a wonderful space for Noah...i am with your mum...a padded trolley affair on wheels that will slide in and out...TG i am thinking might make you one.???

  4. We were actually just saying that yesterday - something like the mechanics use to get under cars!

  5. I love that Noah has his own little space in your room. I think Noah's got the best spot in the house. BTW just because you refer to Noah as your "monkey," does not make you exempt from getting a pet. Noah would love a dog to snuggle up to in his little room.:)Next Christmas I'll get you a dog if you haven't already got one.

  6. I love the mini sensory room you made for Noah. When I worked at the day centre in Rocherlea I loved being on duty in the sensory room. I want to make one for myself and go there for alone time. x

  7. Nicki just cracks me up,
    Love Mum,

  8. I LOVE seeing his little space. It's PERFECT! We had the same sort of set up for Ben...except our room was much smaller. But it still worked. :) I LOVE that sensory area too, what a fantastic little world for Noah. xxx


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