
Monday 25 June 2012

Australia Zoo

We were so lucky to have been given a free family pass from Australia Zoo on our recent holiday to Queensland.   We weren't sure if we would have time go get up there, as it was an hour and forty five minutes from the Gold Coast, but we decided it would be worth the drive as we heard a lot of good about it.

It was cool to be able to walk around the zoo and touch the animals that the keepers had in different places.

 Kobe was excited to see that they had another 'teacup' type ride like they do at Wiggle World.

He wanted to be our tour guide for the day and wanted to hold the map and decide where we would go next.

Harri and Kobe absolutely loved the Kids zoo section where you could go and pat the animals and feed them. 

Jalen on the other hand is such a city boy (just like his Dad!) and couldn't wait to wash his hands after touching the animals!

 Harri was a bit stoked about the crocodile character and kept wanting to go back for more cuddles.

I couldn't help but feel so sad though about Steve Irwin not being around anymore.  I remember when he died how sad I felt for his wife and kids and wondered how they could cope without him, and wondered how the kids could seem so well adjusted after losing their Dad.  I guess now I realise how when you have no choice but to go through something like that, you just cope the best way you know how. 

 We really enjoyed the show in the Crocoseum.

Jalen and I laughed a lot at the guy who was acting like a bogan, pretending he was bitten by a snake.

 The zoo is absolutely beautiful and so well kept.

The boys especially loved the part where you could go and touch and feed the kangaroos. They were so tame.

 We loved watching the feeding of the crocodiles.

 Mum couldn't resist this photo! :)

 It was a lovely day and definitely worth the drive up, to see such a beautiful zoo.


  1. What a beautiful zoo! We have always wanted to go to the Australia Zoo because we love the Irwin family and the Crocodile Hunter. Glad you were able to visit.

  2. I love that second last photo of your mum with the Steve cutout - very funny!

  3. Wow after thinking Jalen looked like you in your profile pic I can see Aaron in that photo where he's washing his hands!

  4. When I was in the second grade the teacher spent the year teaching our class about Australia. Since then I have always wanted to visit. I imagine I will never get that chance, but I have so enjoyed your blog and being able to see so many of the beautiful things about your beautiful country. I am so happy that you and your boys were able to have such a fun trip.

  5. Love that spot! We always liked Steve Irwin and were very sorry when we learned of his death.

    I'm sure you never imagined you would share such a sad loss with his wife and children.

    Seems like you are all determined to carry on well, and I respect you for that.


  6. Lisa, I am sorry to ask, but I don't know where else to turn. My friend Sam, also lives in Oz, has 3 children, and suddenly lost her husband on Sat, at age 41. So young. So heartbreaking. Just like your story. If there are any words you can express to her please do.

  7. It is over 10 years since I have been to Australia Zoo and looks as if they have really improved it. Remember the croc feeding and remember the guide saying how lazy the alligators are compared to the crocs. The other memory I had was how smelly the camels were.


  8. I dream of going to that zoo someday! What a great adventure this trip was for you all :)

  9. go for it Lorraine ...i bet you wish it was for real!!!!
    we love Australia Zoo when we went last year...they told us they were adding the African section and i saw the giraffe's so i am guess they have already started doing it??? we hired a ride on cart to get around ..just a little spread out for old foggies after doing the three theme parks in such a short time...he he!!!! WE loved it too.

  10. It's an awesome zoo to visit, and great that you were able to get there... Kinda just 'up the road' from us, but have only been there twice! The last time I went was a couple of years after the great loss of Steve, and I wore my sunglasses even out of the sun as the tears kept coming!!!... Life sure throws up tough times, but I've loved observing the strength and grace through your writings that you show your boys and those around you... Great photos of your day... Blessings... Naomi G.

  11. I love your photos- if you have ever considered guest blogging please consider blogging for Brisbane Kids- Well written and well photographed. We have a list of other zoos you might be interested in too


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