Sunday, 10 October 2010

Day 4 - room upgrade!

Noah is so much better than he was - so much so, that we have been upgraded to a room across the hall which is MUCH bigger and brighter and not hot! It's so nice to be able to look out the windows. They like to keep the room where you can see through to the nurses desk for kids that are very sick, so it's a good sign when you get to move out of there. It's nice to have some space so we can all be in the room at the same time, and not be sitting on top of each other.

He is now down to 5 litres of oxygen, up to normal feeds and the canula is out (thanks to it tissuing), so today they will decide whether they will put in another canula, but I think they will leave it out and just keep him on oral meds from now on.

I'm sure we are in for at least a couple more days, but things are so much better....for Noah at least. I'm feeling really awful with bronchitis and am coughing up so much junk from my lungs, that I even gave myself some ventolin last night and had a hyper-saline neb to try to loosen things up! Kobe couldn't work out what was going on and kept pointing to me having a neb and telling the boys saying 'Mum!!'. I think it scared him a bit as he's only used to seeing Noah with it on.

Aaron is going to have the day off work tomorrow as carer's leave as I'm not really well enough to deal with everything going on at the moment on my own (plus dealing with last minute house stuff while all this is going on), so it will be nice to have the two boys at school tomorrow and have things around here a bit more peaceful (and restful!).


  1. Wish I lived closer so I could bring you DINNER! (or tea as you call it, right?) Glad things are looking up. I love seeing your pictures. Thanks for the advice on my blog - I would never give it up, just teasing. I did pay the five dollars but it's annoying because it takes 24 hours to take affect.

  2. sorry to hear you are sicker .... hopefully you will pick up soon...good that the "acka dacka hoon" can get the day off to help out ...sing out if i can do anything else...
    does that $5 give you a new start again with 1000MBs again????

  3. Sorry that Noah is sick, and you and Kobe too... I hope you are all better soon....
    If i could cook anything other than toast i would cook you dinner... Love you guys xxxx


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